Category: USAREC

April 10, 2020

U.S. Army Esports Team expands virtual outreach

While the U.S. Army Esports Team already spends much of its time in the digital space it has increased its online presence in support of current operations. As people work through this period of social distancing, the team is stepping up their game to provide more content and engagement on its digital platforms.

April 9, 2020

Central Jersey recruiters make masks with 3D Printers for essential personnel

While social distancing is the new norm for much of America, U.S. Army recruiters in New Jersey have found a way to continue supporting their community from afar, using personal 3D printers to make surgical masks for local first responders.

April 8, 2020

Some new Soldiers can now qualify for higher rank, more pay

New Soldiers typically enter the U.S. Army at the rank of private, but now some will have the opportunity to enter at higher ranks if they’ve achieved certain civilian qualifications, referred other applicants, or completed college courses.

April 7, 2020

USAREC spouse selected for Military Family Readiness Council

Ten years ago, Jill Waters knew nothing about military life, but jumped right in after becoming an Army spouse, eventually earning a place on the Military Family Readiness Council.

April 6, 2020

U.S. Army places temporary hold on new recruits to basic training

The U.S. Army has temporarily delayed the movement of Future Soldiers to Basic Combat Training effective April 6. Those who are currently in BCT and Advanced Individual Training will continue training under the screening and monitoring guidelines established last month and will proceed to their next assignments upon graduation.

April 6, 2020

Top Recruiter: Junior NCO recognized as one of the best Recruiters

“Treat every applicant the way I would treat my son if he was the one I was working with right now,” said Staff Sgt. Shoshana Maya. Maya thinks what makes her so successful in the recruiting field is the fact that she is very empathetic to others. One of her military occupational jobs was Human Resource Specialist, now she is a military recruiter.

April 2, 2020

Future Soldiers with coronavirus-related hardships may be eligible for pay before basic training

Future Soldiers who are experiencing extreme hardship because of training delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for some financial relief through a new “Future Soldier to Active Duty Program.”

April 1, 2020

The Army's Musical Outreach Team launches into digital performances

The Army’s musical outreach team, As You Were, has transitioned from life on the road to life online during this time of social distancing. The team, consisting of three highly skilled professional Army musicians, will be releasing content across its social media platforms to continue connecting today’s youth with their Army in a unique way.

April 1, 2020

U.S. Army recruiters accepting virtual applications

While social distancing remains a part of daily life throughout the nation, U.S. Army recruiters are using online applications and virtual interviews to continue helping interested individuals plan for their future and pursue full-time or part-time careers in the military.

March 30, 2020

USAREC helps students March 2 Success

Schools across the country have gone to nontraditional learning to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, and the U.S. Army offers a program aimed at helping students maintain academic achievements during this unprecedented time.



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