Waivers and Exceptions to Policy (ETP):
The availability of a waiver/ETP does not constitute automatic approval.
Waiver/ETP requests are approved individually and based on the needs of the Army.
Most waiver/ETP dispositions are valid for one year.
Waiver/ETP requests are submitted as part of the complete application packet with the exception to ACFT ETPs.
The table below lists the available waivers/ETP, approval authorities, and approximate processing time:

Age ETP - 153A Applicants: Be older than 18 but have not reached their 33rd birthday at the time of the board selection. Technician Applicants: Aspiring Technicians must be 45 years of age or less at the time of appointment to WO1.
AFS ETP - 153A Applicants: If more than 8 years AFS as of DA 61 signature date. Technician Applicants: If more than 12 years AFS as of DA 61 signature date.
ETS Waiver - For all applicants with less than 12 months remaining in service at the time of application submission.
Reapplication ETP - Only for applicants requesting an exception to policy for the 12-month wait required between submissions of application (DA61) after being two-time non-select.
Medical Waiver and Medical Review - If commissioning physical medical waiver is recommended or a PULHES numerical designator of 2 or higher denotes a restriction IAW AR 40-501, Chapter 2, and DoDI 6130.03 Section 5 submit all commissioning physical pages (UF 3.1, DD Form 2808, DD Form 2807-1), DA3349 (profile form from MEDPROS), commissioning labs, audiogram report (if not annotated on 2808), medical treatment records and pharmacy records for all disqualifying conditions for medical waiver and medical review processing. Additionally, submit clearance letter / MFR from your physician or primary care provider which at a minimum will include diagnosis, treatment performed, treatment / monitoring required, and any restrictions. All medical documents will be included with your application when submitted to the Warrant Officer Recruiting Company for administrative processing.
ALL medical waivers/reviews are required to include DA3349 from MEDPROS, regardless of PULHES.
Any applicants with Behavior Health in their medical history will be required to include a DA3822 and O-6 endorsement memo (See sample).
Any applicants with a CPAP machine are required to included the 30/60/90 day sleep analysis report as part of medical documents.
ACFT ETP - Processed separately through applicant's chain of command w/ General Officer endorsement routed to the Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 for determination. Once a positive determination is obtained, the application packet can be submitted.
Tattoo ETP - Tattoo ETP is required for all Warrant Officer applicants not in compliance with AR 670-1 and Army Directive 2022-09, regardless of self-identification status in iPERMS. Army Directive 2022-09 announces a change in policy for the allowable placement of tattoos for current serving Soldiers and applicants for appointment. Applicant memo, LTC or above memo, and colored photos with ruler must be included with ETP request.
Conduct Waiver - A conduct waiver is required when the final finding of a court or of another adjudicating authority is a conviction or other adverse adjudication such as, but not limited to, fines, imprisonment, placed on probation, paroled or pardoned, or have ever been ordered to deposit bail or collateral for a violation of any law, police regulation or ordinance, including traffic violations involving a fine or forfeiture of $100 or more. This includes juvenile offenses, expunged dispositions, non-judicial punishments, and courts-martial proceedings. Major misconduct offenses require General Officer endorsement, Conduct Waiver Case Summary. See Army Directive 2020-09 for details.
LAST UPDATED: 25 July 2023