Free Counseling and Information Service
Available at NO COST to You and Your Family!
USAREC Soldiers and family members have new assistance service available to them. The Department of Defense has contracted with Ceridian Corporation to provide a work/life program at no cost to the Soldier or Family member.
The service provides online information, educational materials, telephonic consultation and 'face-to-face' counseling to assist Soldiers and Family members with day-to-day life and work.
'Face-to-face' counseling appointments are scheduled with a professional counselor in your local area. You receive up to twelve counseling sessions for each separate issue or problem.
Call 800-342-9647 or visit the Military OneSource web site to request counseling, information, educational pamphlets or CDs, and other resources available through mail.
Helpful Links:
American Red Cross Disaster Services
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
The first place to go for information about and from the U.S. Government
Spouse Employment
MSEP Executive Order
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) is a targeted recruitment and employment solution for spouses and companies that: Partners, Provides, Prepares, & Connects.
MSEP Employment Partnership Career Portal
Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Newsletter - 2018
Military One Source - Your One-Stop for Assistance
Visit the MilitaryOneSource website for information to assist you and/or your Family in dealing with current events and topics related to daily life and work. Up to twelve face-to-face counseling sessions are provided per issue. Educational pamphlets, CDs, and other resources available through mail. All services are provided at no cost to you.
Call 800-342-9647 or click here to visit the MilitaryOneSource website.