Category: 4G Kansas City

Sept. 29, 2021

Kansas City Battalion NCO responds to motorcycle accident

While heading home recently on a busy highway just south of St. Louis, a recruiting NCO came upon an accident scene that tested his resolve as a Soldier and Army medic.

Aug. 25, 2020

A fulfilling experience

One Soldier explains why she enjoys recruiting for the Army.

May 18, 2020

Kansas City Army Recruiting Battalion hosted virtual 10k

There were no aid stations and no trophies were presented; however, the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Kansas City found a way to capture road racing’s “community essence” by hosting a virtual 10K April 17.

Nov. 15, 2018

USAREC providing assistance for Soldiers with deferred orders

U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s personnel office is actively working to assist recruiters adversely impacted by a recent temporary deferment of orders.



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