Category: Medical Recruiting Brigade

Feb. 19, 2019

The DOD’s ASVAB Career Exploration Program Hosts Training to Improve Program Delivery

Joint Service participation at the first-ever ASVAB Career Exploration Program Post-Test Interpretation Proficiency Training sessions is expected to strengthen recruiting efforts and facilitate reliable delivery of the DOD’s no-cost career planning resource.

Feb. 11, 2019

New recruiting efforts include emphasis on 22 cities

The Army's new accession strategy includes expanding into major metropolitan areas and more into social media to reach a more diverse, qualified audience, leaders said in a Pentagon briefing Jan. 31.

Feb. 7, 2019

Army recruiter ARCHIEzzle tells Soldier's story on YouTube

For over a decade and long before joining the Army, Staff Sgt. Archie Masibay has gazed directly into his camera, welcoming his YouTube community with the same opening line: "What's going on everyone -- ARCHIEzzle here!"

Feb. 5, 2019

Army secretary honors top recruiters

Traveling about half the time of the year as a recruiter, Staff Sgt. Jon McCoy heavily relies on his wife to take care of their toddler and home.

Feb. 5, 2019

Partnerships between Civilian Hospitals and US Army Surgical Teams Increase Recruiting and Retention Capabilities for Army Health Care

At Cooper University Health Care Center, in Camden, NJ hospital staff and US Army representatives gathered to officially recognize a partnership between the hospital, the community, and US Army Medicine.

Feb. 5, 2019

Army reaches milestones in modernizing recruiting efforts

The Army has reached several milestones to modernizing recruiting, since approving the Fiscal Year 2019 Army Accessions Campaign Plan in November.

Feb. 4, 2019

#MachineGunMinute:Top Recruiter Shout out Feb. 4, 2019

The MachineGunMinute is a new form of communication from the U.S. Army Recruiting Command Team, Maj. Gen Frank Muth and Command Sgt. Maj. Tabitha Gavia. These short blasts of information will be in video form and will be posted on all of the USAREC official, social media platforms and on iKrome.

Jan. 29, 2019

#MachineGunMinute: Holiday Exodus Jan. 29, 2019

The MachineGunMinute is a new form of communication from the U.S. Army Recruiting Command Team, Maj. Gen Frank Muth and Command Sgt. Maj. Tabitha Gavia. These short blasts of information will be in video form and will be posted on all of the USAREC official, social media platforms and on iKrome.

Jan. 28, 2019

USAREC to host tryouts for new fitness team

The U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s search for the Army’s fittest Soldiers is underway and tryouts for the U.S. Army Warrior Fitness team will be held on Feb 8-10 here.

Jan. 23, 2019

Operation Pacific: Bringing Military Entrance Processing to the Islands

Last year in Koror City, Palau, 25 Army applicants from Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia took their oath of enlistment. In attendance at the ceremony was the Palauan Vice President Raynold Oilouch, U.S. Ambassador Amy Hyatt, family and friends of the applicants and other community members.



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