Category: Medical Recruiting Brigade

Nov. 8, 2019

Husband and wife team serve as general surgeons in the U.S. Army

They met in medical school. He always wanted to be a doctor. It was a needed period of “self-discovery” that led to the realization medical school was for her. And, it was only recently that this doctor duo decided Army service was right for them.

Nov. 1, 2019

The 5th Medical Recruiting Battalion donates lifesaving blood during military blood drive

The 5th Medical Recruiting Battalion teamed up with the Armed Services Blood Program to host a mobile blood drive at the Jimmy Brought Fitness Center, Oct. 30.

Oct. 10, 2019

The “Godfather of Sports Medicine” provides exertional illness lecture at NW Arkansas

Northwest Arkansas teamed up with the U.S. Army medical recruiting station of Little Rock to host a special guest lecture on preventing exertional illnesses in athletes and warriors, late summer.

Oct. 3, 2019

U.S. Army gains new pediatric radiologist

“I can’t think of a better way to serve others then by caring for the Soldiers who serve our country.” This sentiment from Dr. Janice McDaniel led to her recent commissioning as a Major into the Army Reserves. McDaniel, Director of Pediatric Interventional Radiologist at Akron Children’s Hospital, made the leap from civilian to Soldier this summer and is ready for the new challenges and opportunities working in Army medicine will afford.

Oct. 3, 2019

CG Defender of Liberty award 4th quarter announcement

Congratulations to the following 138 stations and 11 companies for achieving the USAREC 4th quarter of fiscal year 2019 Defender of Liberty award. The criteria to receive this award is earned through hard work, perseverance, and sheer dedication as a team to every facet of the Recruiting mission.

Sept. 30, 2019

Army Chaplains help others take small steps to save lives

Every year, the Department of Defense observes the month of September as Suicide Prevention Month and this year’s theme is “Small steps save lives!” “Taking a small step means recognizing and responding to the signs of a person who is at-risk for a suicidal crisis,” explained the U.S. Army Medical Recruiting Brigade Chaplain Capt. William Yi. “And you care about these signs and that person.”

Sept. 10, 2019

2019 USAREC Civilian Employees of the Year announced

U.S. Army Recruiting Command congratulates its 2019 Civilian Employees of the Year, who were selected from the headquarters and brigade-level winners.

Sept. 9, 2019

Houston Medical Recruiting Company host biennial ceremony “The Avenger Way!”

Soldiers assigned to the Houston Medical Recruiting Company carry out the U.S. Army’s medical recruiting mission across four states (southeast Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and part of west Mississippi). But they were able to rally together in Houston for their company’s biennial change of command ceremony at Hermann Park Conservancy, Sept. 5.

Aug. 27, 2019

5th MRB hosts PTSD lecture in New Orleans for physician residents

The 5th Medical Recruiting Battalion partnered with residency programs throughout the New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas to conduct didactic lectures on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, earlier this month.

Aug. 5, 2019

A calling for Army Chaplains

“It was 14 years of really dedicated work to prepare and so that’s why I’m really passionate about the chaplaincy,” stated Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Cloyd L. Colby, the chaplain for the 502nd Force Support Group and Fort Sam Houston Garrison.



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