Category: Medical Recruiting Brigade

Sept. 26, 2018

Army Spouse finds career path through the Health Professions Scholarship Program

For Lt. Col. Julie Hundertmark, her experience as an Army spouse and determination to finish school led her to become an Army doctor.

Sept. 19, 2018

Engineer Diver to Medical Services Corps Officer: An Army of

Most young adults don't know the career opportunities available to them through the U.S. Army. Anything from an engineer diver all the way to medical services officer, the Army has more than 150 careers to choose from that can take you all over the world.

Sept. 11, 2018

PAINWeek 2018

Soldiers and DA civilians from the 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion advocating the benefits and opportunities of a career in Army Medicine at PAINWeek 2018 in Las Vegas, Nev.

Aug. 14, 2018

USAREC Office of the Command Psychologist receives Uhlaner Award for Excellence

The Office of the Command Psychologist (OCP), United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) received the Society of Military Psychology’s Julius E. Uhlaner Award on Friday for their initiative to improve the effectiveness of the assessment for Soldiers being considered for or assigned to recruiting duty.

Aug. 14, 2018

American Psychological Association 2018

U.S. Army medical recruiters and subject matter experts communicated the benefits and opportunities of careers in Army Medicine at the American Psychological Association 2018 Convention held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California on August 9.

July 20, 2018

6th MRBn conducts Change of Command Ceremony

Lt. Col. Matthew J. Mapes handed over command of the 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion to Lt. Col. Kenneth C. Lutz in a ceremony held Thursday at the Hampton Inn.

May 22, 2018

U.S. Army partners with Centura Health

The U.S. Army and Centura Health signed a partnership agreement on May 22 as part of the U.S. Army Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program. The 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Matthew Mapes, and Amy King, senior vice president and chief people manager, Centura Health, signed the memorandum of agreement during a ceremony at St. Anthony Hospital attended by Soldiers from the Aurora Medical Recruiting Station and Centura Health employees.

May 15, 2018

Essentials of Emergency Medicine 2018

Brig. Gen. Joe Heck, Deputy Joint Staff Surgeon and Director, Reserve Readiness, and members of the 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion explained the benefits and opportunities of a career in Army Medicine to attendees of the Essentials of Emergency Medicine workshop at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. on 15 May.

May 11, 2018

Los Angeles Medical Recruiting Company conducts Change of Command Ceremony

Capt. David O'Hea took command of the Los Angeles Medical Recruiting Company on 11 May in a Change of Command Ceremony on the USS Iowa at the Port of Los Angeles. Lt. Col. Matthew Mapes, 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion commander, presided over the ceremony to transfer command from the outgoing commander, Capt. Shawn Linhares to O'Hea.

May 9, 2018

Army Reserve surgeon helps healthcare recruiters

FREDRICKSBURG, Texas -- An orthopedic surgeon and 23-year military veteran with 10 deployments has seen his share of tough duty. Yet, for U.S. Army Reserve Col. Paul Phillips III, convincing other orthopedic surgeons to practice in uniform may be his most challenging job yet.Phillips is part of the orthopedic surgery team at Hill Country Memorial



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