Category: Recruiting and Retention College

Nov. 19, 2018

Army making moves to replace recruiting IT system

The U.S. Army is working to acquire and implement a new Army Accessions Information Environment system to streamline the enlistment process.

Nov. 15, 2018

USAREC providing assistance for Soldiers with deferred orders

U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s personnel office is actively working to assist recruiters adversely impacted by a recent temporary deferment of orders.

Nov. 2, 2018

Two major commands sign memorandum of understanding

The U.S. Army Recruiting Command and U.S. Army Cadet Command signed a memorandum of understanding here Friday.

Nov. 2, 2018

Seven recruiters earn master recruiter badge in 2018

The U.S. Army Recruiting Command held the annual Master Recruiter Badge competition from Oct. 29 to Nov. 1.

April 25, 2018

FY 18 USAREC SAMC Inductees and Best Warrior

By Capt. Jessica RoveroUSAREC Public AffairsApril 25, 2018LAS VEGAS – The U.S. Army Recruiting Command announced its newest Sgt. Audie Murphy Club inductees and the winners of the Best Warrior Competition at the conclusion of a weeklong event here, April 18.Thirty-two SAMC hopefuls and six Best Warrior competitors spent the week in the 6th

April 10, 2018

The U.S. Army Recruiting and Retention College signs

The U.S. Army Recruiting and Retention College hosted a Continuing Education Degree Program signing ceremony here April 5.The commandant of the RRC, Col. Carter Price, and representatives from nine academic institutions formalized an education partnership designed to support Soldiers with a multitude of degree options."A year ago this month, the

March 20, 2018

U.S. Army Recruiting and Retention College

The Army’s Recruiting and Retention College achieved an historic feat when a record number of 526 recruiters graduated from the Senior Leader Course recently.Until these graduations, U.S. Army Recruiting Command had one of the largest backlogs in the entire Army of sergeants first class requiring SLC. “I was getting passed over by staff sergeants



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