Category: Hot Topics - Warrant Officer Recruiting

Dec. 8, 2017

8 NOV 17 *****Attention all 120A, 125D, 255A, 255N, 351L, 352N, 352S, 353T, and 420A Applicants*****

The "New Packet" deadline for applicants interested in applying for these specialties on the JAN 2018 Selection Board has been EXTENDED to 15 DEC 2017.

Sept. 20, 2017

20 SEP 17 *****Attention all 140A, 140K, 140L, 150A, 150U, 350F, 350G, 351L, 353T, 913A, and 915A Applicants*****

The "New Packet" deadline for applicants interested in applying for these specialties on the NOV 2017 Selection Board has been EXTENDED to 20 OCT 2017.

April 6, 2017

6 APR 17 *****Attention all Prior Service and Sister Service (Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard) applicants*****

Effective immediately, the Army is instituting a 6-week Prior Service Basic Combat Training Course (PSBCT) in lieu of the standard 12-week Basic Training Course (BCT) for prior service applicants with more than a 3-year break-in-service OR sister service applicants having completed Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard Basic Training (regardless of the length in break-in-service).

Feb. 22, 2017


Effective immediately, Army (RA/AR) personnel applying for a WO MOS that is grouped in a higher Physical Demand Category (PDC) compared to their current MOS/AOC must take an OPAT prior to WO application submission.

Jan. 1, 2017

1 JAN 17 ****Attention all Ordnance branch 890A, 913A, 914A, 915A, 919A, 948B, and 948D applicants*****

Effective 1 Jan 17, there are changes and updates to the Ordnance branch prerequisites. See specific MOSs for more details.

Dec. 7, 2016

7 DEC 16 ****Attention all 150A and 151A Applicants*****

Effective immediately, all applicants applying for the 151A or 150A are required to obtain a letter of recommendation (LoR) from a Senior Warrant Officer (CW3-CW5) who holds the desired MOS.

Dec. 7, 2016

7 DEC 16 ****Attention all (Non-Aviator) Commissioned ARMY Officer Applicants for 153A (Rotorwing Aviator)*****

Effective immediately, the board procedures for (non-aviation branch) Army commission officers applying for 153A (Rotorwing Aviator) have changed.

Oct. 19, 2016

19 OCT 16 ****Attention all 140E (Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Tactician/Technician (Patriot Systems Technician) Applicants*****

Effective immediately the ADA Branch is suspending all applications for the 140E WOMOS and implementing the 140K (Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Tactician) and 140L (Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Technician) WO MOS's.

Sept. 28, 2016

28 SEP 16 ****ATTENTION 150U (Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems (TUAS) Operations Technician) APPLICANTS*****

Effective Immediately, the ONLY valid feeder MOS's for 150U are 15E, 15W and USMC MOS 7314/6214, USAF AFSC 1U0X1, USN NEC 8361-4, 6-8 (with and MOS Prerequisite Waiver).



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