Are You Interested in Being an Army Recruiter?

To express interest in volunteering for recruiting duty, please contact your career manager at the U.S. Army Human Resources Command.
For more information, visit



Volunteer Recruiter Packet Instructions


Thank you for your interest in becoming a US Army Recruiter and for your service to our country. Here are the required forms that you will need to complete a volunteer recruiter packet. Please take a few minutes to read the instructions below and review the "Volunteer Recruiter Packet Example" before you start your packet.

Please download and complete the linked RTR forms.


Please use the snipping tool when submitting your STP to ensure your GT and ST score, most recent PME and ACFT date is listed on the copy you submit. IT MUST BE IN COLOR AND LEGIBLE.


When you are completing the DA5425 (Financial Worksheet) use your normal pay (no deployment pay) and include ALL of your taxes. Include your annual clothing allowance divided by 12 into the "Clothing Allowance" line. Lastly do not include BAH or your rent.

Sole Parent- If you are a sole parent you will need to submit a copy of your approved family care plan and a sole parent memo.


  • Tattoo Template
  • If you have tattoos on your hands or neck, PLEASE notify us IMMEDIATELY by sending in clear, color and labeled photos of all tattoos that are not IAW AR 670-1 or AD 2022-09. One of the pictures must include a ruler showing the length and width measurement.
  • If you have tattoos include color photographs along with location and description of ALL tattoos not located in a "private" area of your body. For tattoos located in a private area provide drawings of them.




  • G1 Assignments Team emails the Assignment Preference Map and a Consideration Sheet to CONUS DA Selects and Volunteers 30-45 days prior to the school date to be returned within 5 days
  • G1 Assignments Team begins contacting CONUS DA Selects and Volunteers via phone call 2-3 weeks prior to school date and places them in their BN (2-digit RSID).
  • G1 Assignments Team briefs each class during week one on the assignment process and gives SM their assigned recruiting station (4-digit RSID).
  • All CONUS Soldiers must have 36 months of service remaining from their report date to their recruiting station. Soldiers must meet this requirement before beginning the assignment process.


  • G1 Assignments Team emails the OCONUS Assignment Packet to OCONUS DA Selects and Volunteers once they have been assigned a school date to be returned 90-120 days before DEROS.
  • OCONUS Soldiers will PCS and report to their station first and then attend the ARC
  • All OCONUS Soldiers must have 42 months of service remaining from their report date to their recruiting station. Soldiers must meet this requirement before beginning the assignment process.