Category: News Releases

March 14, 2023

Golden Knights team member dies after training accident

A member of the United States Army Parachute Team died on March 13, 2023.

Jan. 23, 2023

Recruiting Pilot, Soldier Referral Program, offers promotion incentives for Soldiers

The U.S. Army is offering promotion incentives to Soldiers who refer individuals to their local recruiting station. The Soldier Referral Program encourages all Soldiers to support recruiting and gives them an opportunity to share their stories and decision to serve with their community. 

Oct. 25, 2022

Army offers March2Success tools to improve test scores

The U.S. Army offers a free website for individuals interested in improving test scores and knowledge in a variety of subjects.

Oct. 21, 2022

Army re-establishes accelerated naturalization for Lawful Permanent Residents

The U.S. Army has re-established the opportunity for Lawful Permanent Residents to apply for accelerated naturalization upon arrival at the Army Reception Battalion for Basic Combat Training.

Sept. 29, 2022

College Loan Repayment Program updates for FY2023

Future Soldiers with qualifying student loans may be eligible to receive up to $65,000 of student loan debt repayment as part of their U.S. Army enlistment contract. The Loan Repayment Program is available for new applicants in select military occupational specialties.

Sept. 19, 2022

Soldiers receive education benefits in addition to cash signing bonuses

In addition to the current enlistment bonuses available, the Army also offers opportunities for Soldiers to attend college for free.

Sept. 2, 2022

Split Training Option allows high school juniors to get a head start toward a career

The Army Split Training Option allows 17-year-olds, with parental consent, to join the Army Reserve as a junior in high school. The junior attends weekend drills once a month and attends Basic Combat Training after completion of the school year.

July 15, 2022

Guaranteed duty locations of choice

The. U.S. Army has added Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; and Vicenza, Italy to the growing list of guaranteed assignment locations applicants may select when using the Army’s duty station of choice enlistment incentive. This brings the total count to 15 locations.

July 5, 2022

Army dentist chose service for education, opportunity and brotherhood

Maj. Adam Bennett chose Army service as a way to pay for dental school, but through service, he also gained opportunities and a formed a brotherhood.

June 30, 2022

Soldiers share stories of answering ‘call to service’ during USAREC campaign

In response to an everchanging recruiting environment, the U.S. Army Recruiting Command is launching Operation Call to Service, a focused effort on reconnecting with communities in-person after relying heavily on digital recruiting methods during the COVID-19 era.



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