Category: News Releases

Oct. 9, 2020

USAREC plays key role in success of Army’s FY20 end strength mission

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Army Recruiting Command successfully accessed enough new recruits to support the Regular Army end strength goal for fiscal 2020. Recruiting NCOs at about 1,400 locations around the world helped 62,150 individuals enlist and begin training to become a Soldier in the U.S. Army this year.

June 15, 2020

U.S. Army aims to hire 10,000 new Soldiers during three-day event

The U.S. Army is kicking off its first nationwide virtual hiring campaign June 30-July 2 with a goal of recruiting 10,000 new Soldiers to serve in 150 different occupations. Army National Hiring Days is an all-Army effort to inspire individuals across the nation to “Join Us.”

May 28, 2020

Language skills help soldiers serve

Multilingual Soldiers are finding themselves in high demand as volunteer workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eight Soldiers from the Southern California Recruiting Battalion volunteer at the Saddleback Church food pantry each Wednesday and Saturday. Their ability to translate information to Spanish is helping families navigate the current crisis.

April 20, 2020

U.S. Army to resume shipping recruits to basic training after two-week pause

The U.S. Army will resume shipping future Soldiers to initial entry training April 20, following a two-week pause that was put in place to ensure necessary COVID-19 mitigation measures were operating effectively at all four Army training centers.

April 6, 2020

U.S. Army places temporary hold on new recruits to basic training

The U.S. Army has temporarily delayed the movement of Future Soldiers to Basic Combat Training effective April 6. Those who are currently in BCT and Advanced Individual Training will continue training under the screening and monitoring guidelines established last month and will proceed to their next assignments upon graduation.

April 2, 2020

Future Soldiers with coronavirus-related hardships may be eligible for pay before basic training

Future Soldiers who are experiencing extreme hardship because of training delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for some financial relief through a new “Future Soldier to Active Duty Program.”

April 1, 2020

U.S. Army recruiters accepting virtual applications

While social distancing remains a part of daily life throughout the nation, U.S. Army recruiters are using online applications and virtual interviews to continue helping interested individuals plan for their future and pursue full-time or part-time careers in the military.

March 23, 2020

Army Recruiting announces positive COVID-19 cases

Two recruiters assigned to U.S. Army Recruiting Command* tested positive for the COVID-19 virus over the weekend and are currently in isolation at their residences. The Army is working with local health officials to begin the process of tracing and contacting people with whom the recruiters might have had contact with over the past two weeks.

March 13, 2020

U.S. Army offering bonuses for new rocket artillery recruits

The U.S. Army is seeking qualified individuals looking to launch their careers. Signing bonuses up to $12,000 or student loan repayment up to $65,000 are available for multiple launch rocket system crewmembers, depending on the length of the term of service and the training ship date.

March 3, 2020

U.S. Army offering bonuses for new infantry recruits

The U.S. Army is seeking qualified individuals to serve in the infantry and is offering signing bonuses up to $15,000 or student loan repayment up to $65,000, depending on the length of the term of service and the training ship date.



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