Category: 2nd Recruiting Brigade

Oct. 3, 2019

CG Defender of Liberty award 4th quarter announcement

Congratulations to the following 138 stations and 11 companies for achieving the USAREC 4th quarter of fiscal year 2019 Defender of Liberty award. The criteria to receive this award is earned through hard work, perseverance, and sheer dedication as a team to every facet of the Recruiting mission.

Sept. 10, 2019

2019 USAREC Civilian Employees of the Year announced

U.S. Army Recruiting Command congratulates its 2019 Civilian Employees of the Year, who were selected from the headquarters and brigade-level winners.

Aug. 13, 2019

Soldier recruits wife to join Army

Staff Sgt. Joshua Mitchell is used to talking with various people about military careers and the benefits that are offered to those who choose to wear the uniform and serve their country as a Soldier. As a recruiter in the Malden, Massachusetts area, he is constantly talking to strangers, even off-duty, according to his wife Eunjee.

July 8, 2019

Top company command teams to be recognized at the Pentagon

The director of the Army staff will recognize U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s top companies at the Pentagon July 11.

July 3, 2019

McCarthy reinforces importance of recruiting mission

The Honorable Ryan McCarthy, who currently is performing the duties of the secretary of the Army, emphasized the importance of the recruiting mission during a visit to U.S. Army Recruiting Command here July 2.

July 1, 2019

Cadet helps a community rise

From sunrise to sunset the engineers are laying down the sturdy foundation for schools and a clinic in Huehuetanago, Guatemala. But this time they have an unusual addition to their ranks. Cadet Jenna Yorko, a native of Philadelphia, has joined the hardworking team.

June 19, 2019

Army Information Environment Kick-off and team selection

The U.S. Army is implementing the new Army Accessions Information Environment system used by U.S. Army Recruiting Command to process applicants for enlistment.

June 14, 2019

USAREC welcomes new deputy commanding officer

U.S. Army Recruiting Command welcomed a new deputy commanding officer during a ceremony here today.

June 5, 2019

Army recruiter receives Distinguished Service Cross

Life flipped upside down for Sgt. 1st Class Gregory Waters on July 30, 2008, when an improvised explosive device caused massive damage to his vehicle in Afghanistan, leaving him and his fellow Soldiers injured and unconscious.

June 3, 2019

U.S. Army Recruiting Command hosts nationwide “Call to Service”

Recruiters across the country are answering the Army birthday’s “Call to Service” with a nationwide recruiting blitz June 14.



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