When Staff Sgt. Riggleman speaks about the Soldiers he has recruited, his compassion and pride shine through. Each name and story are a testament to his belief in the transformative power of the Army and his commitment to helping people achieve their goals. One such story is that of Private First Class White, who walked into a Marine Corps Recruiting Station uncertain of her future and instead— came out a Future Army Soldier or Alexis Wheeler who met Riggleman through the Future Soldiers training program.
From the moment I met Riggleman, I knew I had made the right decision to join the Army,” said White. “He was focused on my goals, career, and what I wanted to achieve— he genuinely cared about listening to me.” White further describes Riggleman as a mentor who exemplified what it means to lead with purpose.
“From day one, Staff Sgt. Riggleman put us at ease with his patience and unwavering support,” Wheeler said. “No question was ever too outrageous; he answered each one with empathy and without judgment.” Wheeler recalled a moment that stood out: Riggleman noticed she was struggling to master the hand salute and took the time to work with her one-on-one. “That’s just who he is,” she said. “What sets him apart is his passion, not just for the Army, but for everything he does— It shines through in every aspect of his life”.
From Altoona, Pennsylvania, Riggleman believes recruiting isn’t about meeting quotas, it’s about forging connections, understanding dreams, and guiding Future Soldiers toward a future they may not have envisioned for themselves. “I feel like I’m looking at a younger version of myself, I want to be able to show people how the Army can change lives like it has mine— I feel accomplished when my Soldiers are living their best life”, he explains, reflecting his deep commitment to those he serves.
Army Recruiters like Riggleman embody the art of listening. It’s not just about hearing someone’s words— it’s about understanding their journey, obstacles, and aspirations. “It’s about people, learning who they are, what they want, and how the Army can be the key to unlocking their potential” he describes. Riggleman’s approach to recruiting is why Soldiers credit their first interaction with him as the moment that set them on a path to success.
Over the years, Riggleman has received countless thank you letters and postcards, each one a reminder of the lives he’s touched. For many, he is more than an Army Recruiter, he is a mentor and committed supporter to their personal triumphs. His ability to make Future Soldiers feel valued, understood, and respected leaves an undeniable mark, shaping not only their view of the Army but also their belief in themselves.
Staff Sgt. Riggleman’s resilience and dedication ripple far beyond the Harrisburg Recruiting Battalion. The Future Soldiers he enlists carry his spirit of determination and pride into their own careers, becoming not only accomplished Soldiers but also inspiring individuals.
In a world where listening often feels like a lost art, Riggleman reminds us of its profound power. Through his work, he continues to prove that empathy and understanding are not just strengths— they are transformative forces that build careers and lifelong friendships in the Army Lifestyle.