Fort Bragg, NC –
Per AR 350-1, paragraph 3-14a, Soldiers with medical profiles due to operational deployment will be permitted by their immediate commanders to attend appropriate courses (to include PME) within the guidelines of their profile. Soldiers must arrive at the aforementioned courses of instruction with a copy of their current profile and a memorandum signed by their commander stating the profile is a result of injuries sustained due to operational deployment. Per AR 350-1, paragraph 3-13j(3), Candidates applying to WOCS or OCS must pass the standard three-event APFT as a enrollment requirement. An exception to policy may be granted by HQDA DCS, G3/5/7 for a permanent profile to the running event only. The exception only allows the Soldier to apply to compete for entry into WOC or OCS school. The permanent profile must be a result of extraordinary circumstances.