Category: 5th Recruiting Brigade

June 14, 2019

USAREC welcomes new deputy commanding officer

U.S. Army Recruiting Command welcomed a new deputy commanding officer during a ceremony here today.

June 5, 2019

Army recruiter receives Distinguished Service Cross

Life flipped upside down for Sgt. 1st Class Gregory Waters on July 30, 2008, when an improvised explosive device caused massive damage to his vehicle in Afghanistan, leaving him and his fellow Soldiers injured and unconscious.

June 3, 2019

U.S. Army Recruiting Command hosts nationwide “Call to Service”

Recruiters across the country are answering the Army birthday’s “Call to Service” with a nationwide recruiting blitz June 14.

June 3, 2019

Modernizing recruiting: New technology to streamline lead collection

The U.S. Army is modernizing its approach to recruiting and its tools of the trade – recruiters need devices and programs that keep pace with the ever-advancing technology America’s youth know and expect.

May 21, 2019

FY 19 USAREC Officer Promotion Selections

Congratulations to the U.S. Army Recruiting Command officers selected for promotion.

May 20, 2019

Army announces alternate assessments for ACFT field testing

Following successful initial field testing, Army senior leaders have approved the development of alternate Army Combat Fitness Test assessments for selected Soldiers with permanent profiles that prevent full participation in the 6-event test.

May 9, 2019

Columbus Battalion recruiter died in weekend accident

A Soldier assigned to the Columbus Army Recruiting Battalion died at University of Cincinnati Health Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 5.

May 8, 2019

USAREC highlights the “Best of the Best”

After a week of grueling competition and intense board appearances, U.S. Army Recruiting Command announced the winners of its Best Warrior Competition its newest Sgt. Audie Murphy Club inductees May 3.

May 2, 2019

Educators get a glimpse into Army life

The Army is a viable career option for young men and women. That is what U.S. Army Recruiting Command showed 25 education influencers, from across the U.S. during the National Educator Tour hosted at Fort Benning, Georgia, April 23-25. The National Educator Tour brings senior-level educators, including superintendents, organizational vice presidents, and private industry presidents, from across the nation to visit an Army base and allow them to experience a day in the life of a Soldier.

April 18, 2019

‘American Dream is alive’ and well through Army Recruiting

Maj. Gen. Patrick D. Sargent, commanding general, U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, Health Readiness Center of Excellence, or AMEDDC&S HRCoE, hosted a welcome reception and meet and greet in support of a Los Angeles educator tour at Willis Hall at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston April 16.



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