Submission Instructions
1. NOTES: (read all notes before you start to prepare your packet for submission.)
***All applications must be administratively complete - Incomplete packets will be returned without action (RWA)***
***All applications must be compiled in checklist order.***
***If applicable, all NCOERs (evaluations) will be in descending order (newest to oldest).***
Application packets must be submitted via email to the addresses below, use official military email account to submit application packet.
Waivers request must be included with the packet (USAREC G3 Special Programs Boards will process them accordingly).
All application forms must be submitted as unencrypted .PDF ("Flattened" or "Print to PDF" preferred).
Do not send your packet as a "PDF Portfolio" or as a ZIP File or a DOD-Safe Link, packets will be RWA.
Check the board schedule for new packet submission cutoff dates.
2. PREPARE: (follow these instructions to learn how to compile your packet and prepare it for submission)
CLICK HERE FOR: New Packet Submission Instructions

3. REVIEW: Before you submit, click on the link below to view sample packet:
The sample packet above will help you identify frequently found errors. Follow the Applicant Checklist for the correct order of documents. Do not proceed with packet submission if all forms are not completely filled out according to this sample.
4. SUBMIT: (when you are ready to submit your packet, use the emails below to determine the correct address to submit)
ALL Warrant Officer application packet e-mails must contain the following in the subject line:
-UPDATES MAILBOX: (after your packet is in a board-ready status, but before the updates deadline, use this mailbox to submit changes or updates to your board file). Updates will not be merged until a week prior to the board. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the updates have been implemented.
Allow 10-14 business days for processing. Contact a Regional WO Recruiter until confirmed “BOARD READY” status.
Any applicant fully qualified/non-select (FQNS) for two consecutive boards will be considered non-select/non-competitive (NSNC) and may not reapply for one year from the date of the DA 61, IAW DA PAM 601-6, Ch2, para 6.
Applicants may request an exception to the one year wait period when more pertinent qualifications have been acquired IAW AR 135-100 para 2-5. The USAREC Form 3.4 ETP example can be found here.
All requests must be routed through the applicant's Company Commander. Submit all supporting documents along with USAREC Form 3.4 and email request.
USAR Applicants will work with an Army Reserve Careers Group (ARCG) Officer Accession NCO (OANCO) to ensure qualifications, obtain application checklist, and submit application. Click here for more information regarding Army Reserve.