Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
640A - Veterinary Corps Food Safety Officer
The Veterinary Corps Food Safety Officer (FSO), 640A is highly specialized in the area of food safety and defense, and serves as a technical expert, advisor, mentor, trainer, and program manager to assigned DOD commands and organizations. The 640A functions to prevent food-borne illnesses and assure the procurement of safe, quality foods within the DOD. The 640A serves as the technical advisor and program manager for Commanders at Major Medical Commands concerning all food protection matters.  The 640A can also serve as staff to DoD Agency Directors for providing food safety program management and technical consultation. A 640A provides management oversight, guidance, and technical advice to food inspection elements or other staff elements providing food inspection support to all Armed Forces levels. The 640A manages and conducts commercial sanitation audits and military sanitation inspections of civilian and government facilities that produce, process, prepare, manufacture, store, or otherwise handle food. Food Safety Officers collaborate with DOD, Federal, State, local, and host-nation inspection authorities and regulatory health agencies concerning food safety and quality assurance matters and public health risk communication. 
Minimum Prerequisites:

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the Application Forms Downloads page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
Chris Heryford
VC, 640A Specialty, AD Consultant to the Surgeon General
DSN: 312-867-0191
Comm: 410-417-0191
Oscar R. Carrion
VC, 640A Specialty, AD Deputy Consultant to the Surgeon General
Office: (301) 319-2243
Maurico Ripley
VC, 640A Specialty, USAR Consultant to the Surgeon General
Cell: (210) 771-1999
Ronald Todd
VC, 640A Specialty, USAR Deputy Consultant to the Surgeon General
Cell: 706-338-6529
USAREC VC Program Manager:
Danitra Quick
Program Manager Army Nurse Corps Direct Accessions
Office: (502) 626-0725
Cell: (843) 622-8764

Last Update: 12 July 2024