Spouse Employment
MSEP Executive Order
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) is a targeted recruitment and employment solution for spouses and companies that: Partners, Provides, Prepares, & Connects.
MSEP Employment Partnership Career Portal
Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Newsletter - 2018
Military One Source - Your One-Stop for Assistance
Visit the MilitaryOneSource website for information to assist you and/or your Family in dealing with current events and topics related to daily life and work. Up to twelve face-to-face counseling sessions are provided per issue. Educational pamphlets, CDs, and other resources available through mail. All services are provided at no cost to you.
Call 800-342-9647 or click here to visit the MilitaryOneSource website.

The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program provides Education and Career Guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources and tools for all stages of your career progression. To get started go to
Military Spouse Education & Career Opportunities | MySECO (militaryonesource.mil)

Are you a military spouse?
Search for jobs with MSEP Partners
Find employment opportunities with hundreds of companies and organizations committed to recruiting, hiring, promoting and retaining military spouses in portable careers. Call 800-342-9647 or go to Search Open Military Spouse Jobs | MSEP | MySECO (militaryonesource.mil)

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA) pays tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to an associate degree (excluding associate degrees in general studies, liberal arts and interdisciplinary studies that do not have a concentration). The scholarship also covers the costs for obtaining a license, certificate or certification at an accredited college, university or technical school in the United States or approved testing organization that expands employment or portable career opportunities for military spouses. For more information on eligibility go to MyCAA Scholarship - Bing - MedCertify
Military Spouse Career Center Opens Online
Military Spouse Career Center commissioned by the Department of Defense Office of Military Community and Family Policy launched www.Military.com/spouse. The resource connects America's 1 million military spouses with education options, scholarships, training programs, career planning tips and employment opportunities.
The Military Spouse Career Center offers an extensive job board that includes hundreds of thousands of jobs from the public and private sectors. A list of Military Spouse-Friendly employers is included, and will grow as more employers step forward to participate.