Category: 3H Montgomery

March 17, 2025

Meet Your Recruiter - Staff Sgt. Fredrick Jenkins

Staff Sgt. Fredrick Jenkins, a Montgomery, Alabama native, serves as a Recruiter at the Fort Payne Army Recruiting Station in Fort Payne, Alabama. He was recently recognized by the U.S. Army Recruiting Command leadership as one of the standout performers in the command.

Nov. 29, 2022

2nd Recruiting Brigade gives back to local communities

The Eagle Brigade conducted a community service project, in conjunction with Veterans Day this year, to support non-profit organizations in their local communities.

March 28, 2022

Mercedes-Benz joins Army’s Partnership for Youth Success program

Mercedes-Benz U.S. International signed a memorandum of agreement with the U.S. Army March 25, officially joining the Army’s Partnership for Youth Success program, which connects Soldiers leaving military service with potential employers.

Oct. 25, 2021

2nd Brigade chaplain receives top honors

The 2nd Recruiting Brigade is now home to the U.S. Army’s top active-duty chaplain. The Military Chaplains Association along with the Chief of Chaplains Office named Chaplain Maj. Bill Kim the 2021 Active Duty Chaplain of the Year during a ceremony at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Oct. 5.

Nov. 15, 2018

USAREC providing assistance for Soldiers with deferred orders

U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s personnel office is actively working to assist recruiters adversely impacted by a recent temporary deferment of orders.



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