About Raleigh Recruiting Battalion

MEMORANDUM FOR Soldiers arriving to the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Raleigh


SUBJECT: Welcome Letter

1. Welcome to the Raleigh Recruiting Battalion!  Home of the "Bulldogs". Congratulations on your assignment to the best Battalion in the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. We are proud to have you as a member of the team! 

2. As a newly assigned member of the Bulldog Battalion, you will discover an exceptional operational environment across the state of North Carolina. The Battalion covers six distinct areas: Fayetteville, Greenville, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Wilmington, and Charlotte. Our area of operations will offer countless opportunities for mission success and culture experiences for you and your family to enjoy. Become familiar with your new home and take advantage of the big cities and small towns with their unique cuisine, historic sites, and modern amenities.

3. Our mission is to maintain our Nation’s strength by recruiting with integrity and precision, qualified young men and women for the Army and Army Reserve. We are a team committed to accomplishing the recruiting mission. We execute this mission with honor and integrity, and our reputation for excellence is recognized. You are expected to support and maintain this reputation. Our Nation relies on the Army, and our Army relies on Recruiting Noncommissioned Officers to fill our ranks.

4. Should you have any questions or concerns prior to your arrival, all necessary points of contact and additional information is available on the Battalion’s official website, https://recruiting.army.mil/2ndbde/3jbn/Arriving_Soldiers_Raleigh/ or learn more about us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoArmyRaleighBn. 

5. Welcome to the team!  WIN.





ALBERTO PENA                                         RAMON RAMOS

CSM, USA                                                   LTC, SF

Command Sergeant Major                         Commanding

In-Processing Checklist

In order to shorten the time of in-processing, it is suggested to take the following computer courses and to provide us with the certificate print-out upon your arrival.  Otherwise, you will be required to take these courses during in-processing. 

LMS COURSES                                                                                                                                            

  • Army OPSEC Level I (Newcomers and Refresher                                                                                         
  • Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) Program
  • Information Security Program Training • PR 101: Introduction to Personnel Recovery
  • SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention): Standing Strong U.S. Army
  • Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) Course


Anti-Terrorism Level I Awareness Training          

From I-440; Exit Capital Blvd heading North
(in the direction of Wake Forest)
Turn Left onto Highwoods Blvd (1st stoplight)
Turn Left onto Poplarwood Court
Turn Right at 3117 Poplarwood Court
Battalion HQs is on the 2nd Floor of the Cypress Building, Suite 218

You must bring the following items with you at the time you in process:

  • PCS orders and any amendments to these orders
  • Original DA 31 (leave form)
  • Finance packet to include advance travel receipts (manila folder)
  • DD 1561 Request for Family Separation Allowance
  • MOS orders (provided by the Army Recruiter School)
  • Army Recruiter Course (ARC) graduation certificate
  • Vehicle registration (if you have two vehicles)
  • Information necessary to update DD 93 and SGLI
  • Military 201 file: 2A, 2-1, promotion packet (if applicable)
  • Last NCOER
  • Military ID card
  • Civilian and military drivers license
  • Reenlistment card
  • Quarters termination sheet if you lived in government quarters
  • OIF's if you have reintegration certification please bring with you
  • MEDPROS Update

It is extremely important you have all the above required documents at the time of your in-processing. This is a large battalion. You may have a long drive back to your pinpoint assignment if you forget any of these documents. In-processing must be completed on the day you arrive at the battalion.

Relocation Information

Arriving Soldiers

While PCS travel always has many surprises, knowing more about the area and the people you'll be working with can really help. This site is designed to help you familiarize yourself with your new community and enable you to contact your commander and 1st Sergeant.

Find out everything you need before you move...

Call the Army OneSource toll free at (800) 464-8107 24x7 for your free relocation report compliments of US Army Recruiting for soldiers assigned to recruiting duty.

  • Cost of living for city and state to which you are relocating and how it compares with the cost of living where you presently reside.
  • Crime statistics
  • Profiles for types of schools
  • Location of churches, synagogues and mosques
  • Historical weather conditions
  • Vehicle registration policies and procedures

Try the Defense Manpower Data Center's SITES

Consumer Complaints

Military Spouse Employment Resource

USAREC Soldier & Family Assistance Web Site

Click Here to download the Raleigh Battalion Welcome Packet.

This packet includes:

In processing Documents Checklist (bring all documents when you arrive) including certificates of all mandatory training required at Check-in.

USAREC Form 350-1.4 In Processing Checklist

USAREC Form 350-10.4 Motorcycle Operator Responsibilities

OPSEC Compliance Agreement

System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)

Security Termination Statement

DTS Profile Sheet


Mandatory Training Requirements List / Command Links

Family Services


If you are moving here from previous recruiting assignment, you are already used to the unique Army lifestyle. However, if you are new to recruiting, you will find this Army assignment is unique in many way; one we hope you will enjoy and into which you can easily transition.

Think of this office as your mini-Army Community Services. We assist all assigned Soldiers and their families. We look forward to meeting you. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at (919) 872-8696 or toll free at (800) 790-0963 (#2) (#7) or by email.

Battalion Family Liaison Program Contacts:

Fax: (919) 954-7519

Resource Links: