Category: 6th Recruiting Brigade

March 10, 2025

Meet Your Recruiter - Staff Sgt. Gyres Fouelefack

Staff Sgt. Gyres Fouelefack, a native of Silver Springs, Maryland serves as a Recruiter at the San Jose East Army Recruiting Station in San Jose, California. He was recently recognized by the U.S. Army Recruiting Command leadership as one of the standout performers in the command.

July 22, 2024

Meet your 420T – Warrant Officer Jordon Durham

The Army’s recruiting transformation is underway as the first cohort of Talent Acquisition Technicians (420T) graduated from the recently developed Army course July 11, at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

May 16, 2024

Meet Your Top 13 Recruiter – Sgt. 1st Class Nghiem Van Nguyen

Sgt. 1st Class Nghiem Van Nguyen, originally from El Monte, California, serves as a Recruiter at the Azusa Recruiting Station in Baldwin Park, California. Nguyen was recently recognized as a FY 2024 Top 13 Recruiter.  

Dec. 25, 2023

Meet Your Recruiter - Staff Sgt. Casey Mitchell

Staff Sgt. Casey Mitchell, a native of Spanish Fork, Utah, serves as a recruiter in Butte, Montana. U.S. Army Recruiting Command leadership recently recognized Mitchell as a standout performer. 

Nov. 2, 2023

Meet Your Recruiter - Staff Sgt. Mara Picazo

Staff Sgt. Mara Picazo, a recruiter with the El Cajon Recruiting Station, Southern California Recruiting Battalion, began her Army career as a human intelligence collector because being in law enforcement has always been her end goal. Recently she was recognized by U.S. Army Recruiting Command leadership as a top performing recruiter, and Picazo knew that to accomplish her dream, she needed help. 

Sept. 23, 2023

Army Showcases Pathways to California students

Kellie Fenison, 16, of Alpine California scored a 92 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery but did not know the types of opportunities that would open up to her until she met with Recruiters at Granite Hills High School September 22, 2023, during the State-Declared “Army Recruiting Month” in Southern California.

Sept. 7, 2023

Generations united: A father's 9/11 service influences son's commitment in today's Army

Sept. 11, 2001, began as a normal day of a PCS for Tracy Cutler. The moving company had arrived at his house early that morning to begin to pack his family’s belongings as they prepared to relocate from Southern California to the east coast.

Aug. 8, 2023

Change of Command at the U.S. Army’s 6th Recruiting Brigade

The US Army’s 6th Recruiting Brigade held their Change of Command ceremony July 27th, 2023, as Col. Michael Lindley handed over the command of one of the Army’s most important missions to Col. Spencer Wallace.

April 19, 2022

12,000 U.S. Army stoles for graduating Future Soldiers delivered to recruiting brigades

U.S. Army Recruiting Command is gearing up for high school graduation season with stoles for Future Soldiers who will be shipping to training this summer.

April 12, 2022

USAREC recognizes top station commanders

U.S. Army Recruiting Command leaders recognized the top 13 station commanders for the second quarter of fiscal 2022 in a ceremony at Fort Knox April 11.



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