Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
270A - Legal Administrator
AC Packet/Interview Deadline: TBD
AC FY25 Board: ~November 2024
NG: Apply at any time; refer to ARNG Predetermination Checklist
Applications are being accepted for trusted and highly qualified individuals who demonstrate character, competence, and commitment to serve as Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAGC) Warrant Officers in the following MOSs:
  • Judge Advocate General’s Corps: 27D (Paralegal Specialist)
  • Adjutant General’s Corps: 42A (HR Specialist)
  • Finance Corps: 36B (Financial Management Specialist)
  • Acquisition Corps:  51C (Contracting Specialist) 

What is a Legal Administrator: A Legal Administrator, is a leader and manager who oversees, operates, and sustains legal operations processes, and systems in support of the Army’s multifaceted legal practice. Legal Administrators are critical enablers. They are members of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate leadership team who apply multidisciplinary operations and management insight in planning, programming, resource management, personnel management, security management, and systems integration to support legal service delivery. Legal Administrators allow the organization to manage risks, monitor compliance, develop contingencies, and improve and incorporate business practices, tools, and systems to accelerate operations across the spectrum of legal functions more effectively.  

Duties (FM 3-84):  The legal administrator is an integral part of the JAGC team. In addition to their well-recognized role as technical experts, legal administrators provide experience and leadership to their organizations that contribute significantly to mission accomplishment. Legal administrators also manage systems and resources for the delivery of legal services across the spectrum of conflict. They actively plan, prepare, and execute military legal operations. Finally, legal administrators mentor and guide officers, noncommissioned officers, enlisted Soldiers, and Army civilians. Holistically, the legal administrator assigned to an operational unit is a technical expert, legal office manager, advisor, and leader.

The legal administrator is the third member of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate’s (OSJA) senior leadership team and the officer in charge of the administrative section. Legal administrators contribute to and support the training requirements of OSJA personnel. The legal administrator builds and maintains effective working relationships with key personnel throughout the area of operations to enable OSJA personnel to meet their mission requirements.

Review FM 3-84 for additional information regarding Legal Administrators.

Legal Administrator Core Competencies (Smartbook DA PAM 600-3):
JAGC Warrant Officers must have education, training and experience in legal operations, human resources, budget, security, project management, information and knowledge management, and the JAGC Core Legal disciplines (Military Justice, Administrative and Civil Law, International and Operational Law, Claims, Contract and Fiscal Law, and Legal Assistance) and apply their knowledge and expertise across the full spectrum of legal operations in any environment - including in garrison and while deployed.
JAGC Warrant Officers are the system administrators and technical experts for all JAGC specific applications, hardware, and facilities. (Reference Smartbook DA Pam 611-21 for additional information regarding duties and responsibilities). JAGC Warrant Officers provide key and essential services in their core competencies: Legal Systems Integration and Innovation, Legal Personnel Management, Knowledge Management, Force Management, Resource Management, and Security Management, which enable the effective execution of the JAGC Core Legal Disciplines for the Army.
Review Smartbook DA PAM 600-3 for additional information regarding Legal Administrator Core Competencies. It is highly encouraged to coordinate with a Legal Administrator BEFORE requesting an interview. Active Duty Legal Administrators can be found at Offices of Staff Judge Advocates on Army installations (including Joint Bases).
***Applicants must meet all Administrative Requirements to become a Warrant Officer***
Prerequisites for Appointment in MOS 270A/Legal Administrator (LA):
     a. Military Education (NO WAIVERS) Successfully complete the “270A Prerequisite Course" on JAG University (JAGU).  
     (1) The “270A Prerequisite Course” is completed by distance learning (DL) through the JAGU platform.  
     (2) To self-enroll in the course, applicants login to JAGU at https://jagu.army.mil, log-in with your CAC, select “Enrollment” tab, and “270A LA Prerequisite Course.” 
     (3) From the day you self-enroll, you will have 120 days to complete the “270A LA Prerequisite Course.” After 120 days, you will be involuntary disenrolled.
     (4) For further assistance, contact the Judge Advocate Warrant Officer Education Department, at usarmy.charlottesville.hqda-tjaglcs.mbx.270a-pme-warrant-officer@army.mil.
     b.Civilian Education (NO WAIVERS) Applicants must possess an associate’s degree or at least 60 semester hours of college credit towards a bachelor’s degree. Applicants must have six semester hours of college English Composition. Speech and public speaking courses may not be substituted for this requirement. All civilian education must be from an accredited institution.
Preferred civilian education and credentials: Bachelor’s degree or higher in the following concentrations: business, human resources, management, legal administration, or project management; Project Management Professional (PMP), Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).
     c. Military Education. Enlisted applicants must have completed the Basic Leaders Course. Preferred military education for all applicants: How the Army Runs, Plans, Programming, and Budget Execution, Lean Six Sigma Green/ Black Belt.
     d. Experience.  All applicants should be able to articulate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that make them a desirable legal administrator applicant.
(1) Enlisted applicants must be a noncommissioned officer (E5) or above, with at least 60 months’ time-in-service as a 27D, 36B, 42A, or 51C. Time in service is waiverable with exceptional performance and potential as indicated by evaluations, letters of recommendation, and the structured interview. Feeder MOS waivers may be granted based on significant management and leadership experience as well as experience in the 270A core competencies. MOS waiver: Soldiers who do not hold one of the listed feeder MOSs may qualify for a proponent waiver of the MOS requirement if the local SJA, the LOD Commander, or State SJA supports a waiver. SJAs or LOD Commanders can communicate their support to the proponent as part of their applicant interview memorandum. SJAs or LOD Commanders who will not support an MOS proponent waiver for an applicant are not required to conduct an interview. Legal Administrators will screen the applicant and make a determination if the applicant is viable BEFORE conducting the interview. The interview can be declined based on initial screening. Waivers are approved by The Judge Advocate General or his/her designee.
(2) Commissioned officer applicants must be in the rank of MAJ or below (not waiverable) and have demonstrated high performance and exceptional potential. All commissioned officers, to include those with MOS 27A and MOS 27B, must request an MOS waiver. Judge advocate applicants will request a waiver through the Chief, Personnel, Plans, and Training Office to the Deputy Judge Advocate General. All other commissioned officer applicants will request an MOS waiver through the 270A Proponent.
(3) Civilian applicants must have at least three years of experience as a law office manager for an office that employs no less than 10 personnel. DA Civilian applicants in series 0901 must have at least one year of experience performing legal administrator duties.

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
POC for Active Component Applicants:
270A Warrant Officer Career Manager
Office of the Judge Advocate General

DSN: 223-4466  COMM: (703) 693-4466
POC for US Army Reserve Applicants:
CW4 Deborah Rivera
Legal Administrator
270A Career Manager, Reserve Component Management
E-mail: deborah.rivera1.mil@army.mil
COMM: (910) 598-8809 
POC for National Guard Applicants:
CW5 Miguel R. Flores
National Guard Bureau
COMM: (703) 607-2611

Last Updated: 22 July 2024