Marine MOS Feeder List
Navy MOS Feeder List
Air Force MOS Feeder List
All Non-Army Personnel
INTRASERVICE: A joint service agreement allows servicemembers who are selected for this program to be discharged from their service and enlisted in the Army. Applicants must apply for this program while on active duty and must have 12 months or more remaining on their enlistment contract.
NON-PRIOR SERVICE AND CIVILIANS: Contact local Army recruiter. Applications are forwarded from the individual, through the local Non-Prior Service (NPS) recruiting Battalion, to United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). After screening, the application is forwarded to the appropriate proponent who evaluates the applicants' technical experience and determines if the applicant is qualified to compete against other qualified applicants for the limited warrant officer positions. Applications from those who are not technically qualified will be returned to the applicant without further processing. Further requirements for Non-Army personnel are listed below under "Additional Requirements For Non-Army Personnel".
A selection board will consider fully qualified applications. Selection is highly competitive and board members select applicants based upon the whole person concept. Leadership and technical abilities will be evaluated and only the best qualified will be selected.
DD 368 - CONDITIONAL RELEASE FORM: SMs will obtain an approved DD 368 through their Servicing Personnel Office. The DD 368 must have a projected Re-Entry Code, Separation Program Designator (SPD) code, Expired Term of Service (ETS), Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) or Navy Rate, and annotation of any lost time in whole days, provided in the remarks blocks on page 2 of the DD 368.
**DD 368 is required for all Intra-Service Applicants** (to include NG and AR not AGR)
Commissioned Officers from the Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard CAN apply through the in-Service Warrant Officer Selection Board (WOSB) for 153A (Initial Entry Rotary Wing Course-Flight School). In addition to all other requirements, they will need a Conditional Release (DD Form 368) approved by their respective Commander and personnel office and a conditional resignation of commission memorandum (see Downloads tab for samples). All (non-aviators) officers that desire to be boarded for 153A will be boarded in May and November.
Clarification for sister service officers as mentioned above: if selected by the board, HRC will consider officers with an approved and valid conditional release and/or separation orders or DD214s as separated AT THE TIME OF APPOINTMENT for Initial Warrant Officer Appointment. The new appointment would be based upon the USAREC in-Service WO board selection AND subsequent receipt of Confirmed Appointment Scroll. The scroll may take more than six months to process and HRC Officer Accessions Branch works closely with applicant for any issues with the scrolling process. Rank for sister service officers as mentioned above: Non-Aviation Officers assessing for 153A Warrant Officer Aviator selection: IAW AD 2021-31, the automatic promotion to CW2 based on Federal Commissioned Service no longer applies. Selected officers will receive an appointment to WO1 with an Active Date of Rank Reset at completion of flight school, and promotion to CW2 two-years after completing flight school.
-Option 1 (Preferred): Applicant completes their flight physical (on the DD 2808) the through their closest Army Flight surgeon (Army flight surgeon submits to Fort Novosel Aero-med)
-Option 2: Applicant completes their flight physical (on the DD 2808) through their servicing physician and the physician submits to Fort Novosel Aero-med electronically through the medical system "AERO"
-Option 3: Applicant completes their flight physical (on the DD 2808) through their servicing physician and submits to Fort Novosel Aero-med through their closest Army flight surgeon
-Option 4: Applicant completes their flight physical (on the DD 2808) through their servicing physician and the physician mails the completed flight physical to the address below (with delivery receipt signature). Preferred method of mail is 1. FEDEX (for expedited delivery) or 2. US Postal Service (takes 2-3 weeks in most cases) Mail completed flight Physicals to: ATTN: Ft. Novosel Aero-Med Section, 453 Novosel St (RM 160) Fort Novosel, AL 36362
Sister Service Physicians can direct Flight Physical questions to Fort Novosel Aero-med at COMM: 334-255-0750 or DSN: 558-0750. Applicant's can request access to their records and receive updates pertaining to their flight physicals at: https://aero.health.mil/aero/portal/airportal.main.welcome
-Personnel data record equivalent of the Army's Soldier Record Brief (SRB). Equivalent forms are listed below:
- Navy: Personnel data record pages 1, 4, and 5
- Air Force: Data Verification Brief (DVB) or RIP pages 1 - 11
- Marines: Master Brief Sheet (MBS) (Usually only 1 page)
- Coast Guard: Personnel data record pages 1, 3, 4, and 5
-Official Military Personnel File: As a minimum, this file contains your enlistment and reenlistment documents, awards, evaluations, training certificates, and promotion orders. If your personnel records are not on microfiche, then a hard copy of these documents are sufficient. Documents missing from your record should be provided in hard copy. It is your responsibility to ensure your records are accurate and current.
-Tattoo Validation/Waiver Memo: ALL Sister Service applicants are required to provide a Tattoo Validation/Waiver Memo signed by the first O-5 (or above) in their chain of command. The Commander will verify/document any extremist, indecent, sexist or racist tattoos anywhere on applicant’s body (IAW AR 670-1. Para 3-3b) and any tattoos below the wrist/above the collar (in Summer Pt Shirt) (IAW AR 670-1. Para 3-3c) and provide recommendation on waiver approval. If applicant does not have any tattoos on their body; any extremist, indecent, sexist or racist tattoos; or any tattoos below the wrist/above the collar (in Summer Pt Shirt), the Commander will indicate “None” on lines 1.a. and 2.a though 2.d (respectively). Sample memo can be found here.
-Reenlistment or extension documents are needed if your personnel records do not reflect at least 12 months or more remaining on your active duty contract. This must be completed before submitting application.
-The above requirements must be met, in addition to, or in place of the other requirements in the sample application and governing regulations. Include the supporting document that proves you have completed each requirement as a part of your application.
Individuals who do not meet the aptitude requirement (110 GT) for entry into the Warrant Officer Program will need to take the Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT).
The AFCT is the in-service version of the ASVAB.
Individuals will need to take the test within their service, have the scores posted to their official military file, and have their personnel component certify a true copy of the record.
Individuals should ensure that they study for this test, as failure to achieve the required score will result in a retest of the AFCT in its entirety.
Baron's and ARCO have good study guides that are available at most local libraries and bookstores.
If the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) or Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) or in-service ASVAB was administered prior to 1 July 2004 the following applies:
If the ASVAB or AFCT was administered after 1 July 2004 the following applies:
- Procedures to covert scores to Army standards as outlined above apply:
Per the USAF AFPC, conditional release paperwork should be routed through VMPF (Virtual Military Personnel Flight) by selecting "voluntary separations" and then "early release". The last page of that application allows individuals to upload the LOI and the DD Form 368.
U.S. Air Force Conditional Release
550 C Street West Suite 11
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4713
DSN prefix: 665-3769
Note: AFPC requires a Letter of Interest (LOI) before granting your conditional release, you can email your request to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter, a Warrant Officer Recruiter will reply with the LOI.
For information on how to apply for conditional release, refer to:
5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN38055
Mrs. Marty Fry E-Mail: Martha.Fry@navy.mil Pers832C1
Enlisted Favorable Separation Section
Ph: 901-874-4431
Fax: 901-874-2754
DSN prefix: 882-XXXX
Marines needing ASVAB scores converted must contact:
HQMC M&RA MPP-50 Testing
3280 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134
The POC at HQMC MPP-50 is Sgt Johnson, Jessica C or SSgt Landry, Ardena D
COM: 703-784-9615
DSN: 278-9615
FAX: 703-784-9574
DSN 278-9574
US Dept of Trans
2100 Second Street S.W.
Washington DC 20593
Last Update: 14 June 2023