Welcome to 1st Medical Recruiting Battalion


Male soldier poses in front of the U.S. flag and the USAREC flag.
1st Medical Recruiting Battalion Commander
Lt. Col. William P. Gehlen
Male Soldier poses in front of the U.S. flag and the USAREC flag.
1st Medical Recruiting Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Filipowski

Our Battalion

The 1st Medical Recruiting Battalion consists of four Healthcare Recruiting Companies located on the northeast corridor of the United States. The Recruiting Company Headquarters manage twenty one recruiting stations that have an area coverage of 251,380 square miles, within 15 states and 1 location in Landstuhl, Germany that processes applicants from all areas of the European continent and South West Asia.

Recruiters in these locations gain the respect of professionals from forty six Medical Schools, sixteen Dental Schools, one hundred fifty BSN Schools, four Veterinarian Schools, two hundred seventy-nine Pre-Professional Programs five hundred thirty-one Pre-Med Schools.

It is our job to find those dedicated medical professionals to care for America’s true heroes'! Our Soldiers deserve nothing less than the absolute best health care providers.



Honoring the Life and Legacy of Mr. Daniel "Danny" J. DuMiller Story

Hundertmark assumes command of the Medical Recruiting Brigade Story

Army Chaplain Experience: 2024 Story