Join The Golden Knights

Basic Qualifications:
The United States Army Parachute Team is accepting applications for the 2025 Golden Knights Assessment and Selection (GKAS). All MOS’s are encouraged to apply to this unique and diverse organization. Interested Soldiers that meet requirements in the link provided should submit completed applications NLT 30 June. Program start date will be O/A 01 September. Throughout the assessment duration, applicants will have the opportunity to demonstrate the skills required to become an Ambassador of the Army and member of the greatest parachuting team in the world.
Basic Qualifications:
- Active-duty service members (all services pending inter-service transfer)
- Eligible pay grade E1 to E7
- Must possess a clean military and civilian criminal or disciplinary record.
- Based on historical GKAS success rates, applicants must have performed a minimum of 100 military or civilian free-fall jumps (Down to 75 can be waived) and a minimum of 1 hour freefall or vertical wind tunnel time.
- Able to travel year-round, cross country to engage with and perform for the American people.
- Able to attend the 8 – 10-week selection.
Additional Submission Requirements:
- Completed application packet with approval from your chain of command
- Obtain branch conditional release personnel action request (PAR)
- Completed MFF physical
Pilots, staff, and support/non-parachutist positions are hired via the Marketplace for officers and enlisted.
Any questions about the application process can be directed to the Golden Knights operations section at (910) 907-3205 or emailed to
Golden Knight Creed
Under a canopy of black and gold I fly the colors of the Army. I volunteered to become an ambassador of my service and I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, high standards, and esprit de corps of the United States Army Parachute Team. The memories, achievements and legacy of all my predecessors are my responsibility; I will not fail them.
Safety is my way of life. Nothing is worth compromise. No jump is so important, no flight is so essential, and no activity that pressing. All shall look to me for the standard.
Always will I keep myself mentally alert, substance free, physically fit, and morally straight. I represent the image of the U.S. Army. I cannot lose the confidence entrusted in me as a Golden Knight and I will not tolerate those who do.
Professionalism is my trademark regardless of the time or place. My pursuit of excellence in training and performance is with diligence, dedication and attention to detail. My own goals are second to those of the Team and the expectation of me to pass on my skills to all who desire.
The goal I pursue is simple yet bears a responsibility I must discharge without reservation: When I have gained the respect, admiration, and gratitude of the American Public and my Teammates, then I have fulfilled my mission as Golden Knight.