Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
740A - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Technician

The CBRN Warrant Officer (MOS 740A) is the Chemical Regiment's premier technical and tactical expert, enabling maneuver across all phases of the Army’s missions. They are adaptive leaders and trainers, mastering the operation, integration, and technical maintenance requirements of all CBRN systems programs of record. The 740A Warrant Officers are innovative integrators of emerging CBRN technologies and capabilities into combined arms operations. They advise commanders on CBRN considerations such as employment of CBRN related capabilities, and requirements to procure specialized CBRN equipment. They are expert-level problem solvers, and critical thinkers. CBRN Warrant Officers are integral in conducting intelligence preparation of the operational environment (IPoE) to support operations. Their expertise spans the full spectrum of Chemical branch requirements, Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO), expeditionary movement and maneuver, and homeland defense. They evaluate CBRN training and equipment readiness, provide mentorship for CBRN personnel, and remain aware of changes in threats and doctrine. CBRN Warrant Officers possess joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multinational (JIIM) operational knowledge, a strong warrior ethos, and are uniquely suited to execute key CBRN tasks which enable mission success.

***Applicants must meet all Administrative Requirements to become a Warrant Officer.***
Minimum prerequisites:
  • Have the Primary MOS of 74D with a minimum of 4 years of experience in the MOS
  • SGT thru SFC (Proponent Waiverable for USAR/ARNG)
  • Sister Services Noncommissioned Officers are welcome to apply.
    • USMC (Job Code: 5769, 5711)
  • Four years experience in the 74D MOS.
  • Graduate of MOS 74D ALC (Proponent Waiverable*)
  • Base line ST score of 105 
  • Must have 18 cumulative months within the following positions (Proponent Waiverable)
    • Squad Leader in a Chemical Squad
    • CBRN NCO at battalion level or higher
    • Civil Support Team (CST), Team Chief/Reconnaissance NCO (National Guard and Reserve Only)
    • Chemical Reconnaissance Team (CRT), CBRN NCO
    • SF CBRN Company, Assistant Team Leader/Team Leader
    • SF Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment (CRD) Assistant Team Leader/Team Leader
    • Instructor/Writer
    • Small Group Leader/Small Group Instructor
    • Capabilities Developer
    • Drill Sergeant
  • NCOERs must reflect outstanding duty performance as a 74D. Outstanding duty performance is considered as follows:
    • DA Form 2166-9-1 NCO Evaluation Report (SGT). “Met Standard” in Part IVc-h, with strong Rater comments in Part IVi.(Rater Overall Performance) “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” ratings in Part V 
    • DA Form 2166-9-2 NCO Evaluation Report (SSG-1SG/MSG). Preponderance of “Far Exceeded Standard” or “Exceeded Standard” in Part IVc-i, with strong Rater comments in Part IVj (Rater Overall Performance) “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” ratings in Part V
  • Letters of Recommendation (LORs):
    • Applicants must have a Letter of Recommendation from a CBRN CW3 or above (or CW2 serving in a battalion position or higher). If a Senior Warrant Officer (SWO) is not assigned to the applicant’s immediate organization or chain of command, contact the Proponent POC below to assist with identifying a 740A SWO to facilitate the required interview. 
    • All Applicants must have a Letter of Recommendation from their Company and Battalion Commander (or equivalent UCMJ Authorities).
    • All letters of recommendation must speak to the applicant’s knowledge, skills, attributes, and behaviors (KSAB) that make them a strong candidate to become a CBRN Technician. LORs should also attest to the applicant’s leadership abilities.
    • LORs must also speak to any derogatory information contained within the file and highlight the applicant’s growth, character, duty performance, and potential since the incident.
Preferred qualifications:
  • Less than 10 years active federal service
  • Have 24 months rated time in a supervisory position documented by exclusive NCOER senior rater comments commensurate with a “most qualified” narrative.
  • Hold an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university with a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) major/concentration.
  • Diversity in assignments (ex. a combination of operating force, generating force, and broadening assignments.
***Proponent Waiver requests must be submitted via memorandum with completed packet submission. No more than one proponent waiver per candidate.
NOTE: Applicants packets who are 24 months from their Mandatory Removal Date (MRD) or within 12 months of their expiration term of service (ETS) will not be accepted.

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.

CW4 Mazie C. Benefield
Proponent Warrant Officer
US Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School
14030 MSCoE Loop, Suite 1314
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
Commercial: 573-563-7700
US Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School
14030 MSCoE Loop, Suite 1314
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
AC - Comm: 573-563-7728
AR - Comm: 573-563-4026
ARNG- Comm: 573-563-5221

Last Updated: 9 DEC 2024