Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
670A - Health Services Maintenance Technician
The Medical Service Corps (MSC) Health Services Maintenance Technician Warrant Officer serves as a highly specialized professional in the Healthcare Technology Management career field. Their mission is to enhance readiness, reliability, maintainability, and supportability for both operational and institutional medical activities. They focus on the management and logistical support of medical devices and systems that contribute to life support and patient safety. They supervise the technical and tactical performance of biomedical equipment specialists, medical supply specialists, DA civilians, and contractors, ensuring adherence to best practices in medical device safety, operation, and security. The 670A is a subject matter expert in the development of technical requirements and the procurement processes of medical devices/systems and serves as a technical consultant to Commanders and the staff of organizations across all echelons of support in strategic, operational, and tactical environments.
  • Applicants must submit a separate waiver for each prerequisite not met.
  • Waiver requests must provide rationale as to why the waiver should be granted. Submission of a waiver does not constitute automatic approval. 
  • Prerequisite waivers will not be granted in conjunction with a request for an Active Federal Service (AFS) Waiver
Minimum Prerequisites:
  • Must be an E-5(P) or above. Navy and Air Force be on the E6 promotion list (waiverable).
  • Must hold MOS 68A (Biomedical Equipment Specialist) or degree in biomedical Technology from an accredited institution (NO WAIVERS)
  • Must have a minimum of 72 months experience as a 68A (waiverable).
  • Applicants must possess an associate degree or at least 60 semester hours of college credit towards a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. Applicants must have six semester hours of college English Composition. For 60 semester hours 6 semester hours must be Computer Science or Automation courses (waiverable).
  • Recommended 24 months in supervisory position (waiverable).
  • Letter of Recommendation from a senior Health Service Maintenance Technician (non-waiverable).
  • Preferred civilian education and credentials: degree in the following concentrations: Technology, business, engineering, and/or management.  An incomplete degree will include 6 semester hours of college-level writing courses and 6 semester hours of Computer Science or Automation courses (waiverable).
  • Applicants must have completed the Advanced Leaders Course (waiverable).
NCO Evaluation Report (NO WAIVERS):
  • The majority of the Soldier's NCOERS must be noted with "Successful" performance and "Superior potential” by the Senior Rater, or "Exceeded Standard" performance by the Rater and "Highly Qualified" potential by the Senior Rater.
  • Soldiers will submit all NCOERs; other service components will submit all evaluation reports.
  •  Outstanding duty performance is considered as a preponderance of the following:
    • DA Form 2166-8.  Exceeding the standard (Excellence).  Rated by the Rater (Part V.a.) as “Among the Best” with strong Senior Rater comments.
    • DA Form 2166-9-1.  “Met Standard” in Part IVc-h, with strong Rater comments in Part IVi.  “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
    • DA Form 2166-9-2.  Preponderance of “Far Exceeded Standard” or “Exceeded Standard” in Part IVc-i, with strong Rater comments in Part IVj; “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
  • Civilian Technicians will provide civilian evaluations to support experience.
Preferred Qualifications (not limited to):
  • Certifications through Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)
    • CHTM
    • CBET
    • CRES
    • CLES
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • CompTIA Credentials: A+ Computer Repair, NET+ Network Basics
  • Civilian employment in related field
  • How the Army Runs
  • Lean Six Sigma Green/ Black Belt
All applicants should be able to articulate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that make them a desirable Health Service Maintenance Technician.
Active Duty applicants must scan and e-mail completed packets to the Medical Service Corps Program Managers at the following address:  USARMY Ft Knox USAREC Mailbox RCHS 670A MS MGMT (usarmy.knox.usarec.mbx.rchs-670a-ms-mgmt@army.mil).  Packets must contain the following subject line:  FY25 670A Application:  Last Name, First Name Middle Initial.  Packets must be submitted in the order set forth in the applicable 670A Application Checklist. A confirmation email will be sent within five working days after application submission. Contact the Deputy MSC 670A Consultant if the confirmation is not received within five working days.
USAR applicants must contact ARCG Officer Accession inbox at usarmy.usarc.arcg.mbx.hq-ops-spcmsn-organizational-mailbox2@army.mil to find their local Officer Accession NCO for assistance with packet preparations and submission.  All USAR applicants will submit their packets to ARCG and ARCG will forward to CW5 Todd Wilkerson, MSC Army Reserve Health Services Maintenance Consultant at randall.t.wilkerson.mil@army.mil.  ARCG will publish due dates for packet submission.  Packets must contain the following subject line:  FY25 670A Application:  Last Name, First Name Middle Initial.  Packets must be submitted in the order set forth in the applicable 670A Application Checklist
Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the Application Forms Downloads page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
CW2 William T. Stark
Medical Service Corps
Deputy MSC 670A Consultant
Office: 210-916-4839
CW3 Nathan R. Lehman
Medical Service Corps
Deputy MSC 670A Consultant
Office: 253-477-2946
CW5 Lee B. Nelson
Medical Service Corps
MSC Consultant/Chief Warrant Officer of the Branch
Email: lee.b.nelson2.mil@army.mil
COMM: (210) 221-8409

Last Update: 24 July 2024