420A - Human Resources Technician
A Human Resources (HR) Technician serves as the HR subject matter expert in a BCT; Brigade/HHBN STB; Division/Corps, ASCC, HRSC and higher echelons within the Army structure. HR Technicians perform duties as a leader in any HR technical or joint field of operations. HR Technicians are adaptive technical experts, leaders, trainers, and advisors. They maintain, operate, and integrate Army Human Resource (HR) processes and systems.
Major duties include:
- Monitor and manage the full spectrum of HR for the Commander and organization to include but not limited to essential personnel services, strength management, postal, casualty and replacement operations, orders processing, awards, evaluations, promotions, DEERS/RAPIDS, military pay functions, sponsorship, Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), in/out processing, and records management.
- Manage all HR information systems which include, but are not limited to, IPPS-A, DTAS, and DCIPS.
- Querying HR Information systems and converting data to actionable information for presentation to HR professionals and unit leadership at all echelons.
- Manage access, proper usage, data accuracy and problem resolution of HR information systems.
- Proficient in managing basic office automation (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook).
- Supervise military and civilian personnel conducting human resources management actions and related duties.
- Make decisions based on a variety of information sources.
- Understand HR Doctrine and how it is nested in Sustainment and Operational Doctrine, as well as HR regulations and MILPER/ALARACT messages, and be able to interpret for individuals, subordinates, commanders, and directors.
- Initiate and prepare correspondence to provide information, policy, or guidance.
- Manage organizational change to implement new HR programs, systems, or policies.
Minimum required prerequisites, as outlined in AR 135-100: Minimum prerequisites are required in addition to the basic Administrative Requirements. Lacking any of the prerequisites below requires a waiver from the 420A proponent. Some prerequisites are not waiverable.
(42A) Active Component
Have a PMOS of 42A.
Be a 42A MOS ALC graduate. (waiver available) ALC waivers recognize those NCOs who, through the experiential learning environment, have achieved many or all the Terminal Learning Objectives provided through ALC (institutional learning environments). Contact the AG WO Proponent for information.
Battalion S-1/Brigade S-1/HRSC/HROB/TG PAT/MMT/HR CO experience. (Every echelon is not a requirement; however well qualified applicants will have a solid mastery of HR skills from various progressive assignments.)
Minimum of five (5) years operational experience in MOS 42A. Practical experience can be documented through NCOERs, award citations, et.al.
36 months leadership experience supervising Soldiers documented on NCOERs. Applicant must be rendered a minimum of 12 months of current HR Operations on most recent NCOER supervising Soldiers. NCOERs must reflect outstanding duty performance in HR operations and/or personnel management. Outstanding duty performance is considered as a preponderance of the following:
DA Form 2166-8. Exceeding the standard (Excellence). Rated by the Rater (Part Va) as “Among the Best” with strong Senior Rater comments.
DA Form 2166-9-1. “Met Standard” in Part IVc-h, with strong Rater comments in Part IVi. “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
DA Form 2166-9-2. Preponderance of “Far Exceeded Standard” or “Exceeded Standard” in Part IVc-i, with strong Rater comments in Part IVj; “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
All – Outstanding performance should be articulated by specific, quantifiable comments by the Rater. Senior Rater potential comments should be clearly quantified and qualified. HR technical competence should be clearly stated in the evaluations.
30 semester hours of college with a minimum of six (6) semester hours College English Composition I and II or higher such as English Composition, Technical Writing, Business Writing, etc. from an accredited academic institution. Speech and public speaking courses are not considered as meeting this requirement even if administered by the English department of an institution. Successful completion of the CLEP College Composition examination in English or an undergraduate degree are the only acceptable alternatives. Transcripts comprised of only military training credit are not acceptable. The Department of Education maintains a database of accredited postsecondary education institutions and programs at ttp://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/.
Other preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes (KSA): Preferred KSAs strengthens the application.
Less than 10 years of AFS
Associate Degree or higher from an accredited college or university.
Documented computer training as evidenced on official transcripts or training certificates.
Demonstrated MS Office Proficiency (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, and PowerPoint)
Professional certifications (i.e. MS Office, PHR/SPHR, PMP)
S1 Senior Human Resources Sergeant / S1 Human Resources Sergeant
Letter of Recommendation (LOR):
Must be from a Senior HR Technician (CW3-CW5) in the component for which you are applying. The letter attests to your technical and tactical competence in CMF 42. The LOR must come from a Senior Warrant Officer (SWO) within your immediate organization, your chain of command, or the Senior 420A on your installation. If a Senior Warrant Officer is not assigned to your immediate organization or chain of command, contact the Proponent POC below to assist with contacting a 420A SWO to facilitate the required interview.
*Junior Grade Warrant Officers (420As) Letter of Recommendation (LOR) are "Highly Encouraged" but not required as part of the application process. The Junior Grade Warrant Officer LOR is required to speak to the applicant’s in-depth technical skills in terms of mental capacity, experience, systems, leadership, character, presence, and fitness that are often not scripted in evaluations or the resume. This is not to substitute the SWO LOR and must come from the applicant’s unit.
Waivers: Applicants must submit a separate waiver request for each prerequisite not met. Waiver requests must provide rationale as to why the waiver should be granted. Submission of a waiver does not constitute automatic approval.
Refer to the ETP/Waivers page for the approval authority of each type of waiver.
Physical Demands Category:
(42A) National Guard/US Army Reserve
Grade: SGT or above – SGT applicant’s packets must meet the prerequisites shown below. ALC/BNCOC, evaluation and experience requirements will not automatically be waived due to a SGT’s recent DOR.
MOS: Applicants must have a Primary MOS (PMOS) of 42A.
Applicants that have served successfully as a Readiness NCO with strong HR comments documented in evaluations will be taken into consideration as long as all other prerequisites are met.
Applicants that can show Army HR experience without award of the required feeder MOS must submit strong unit justification as to why applicant has not or cannot be awarded feeder MOS.
Full-time Unit Technicians (GS/AGR) – Consideration will be given to applicants with at least 5 years of outstanding documented and evaluated Army HR experience. Copies of evaluations documenting HR experience must be submitted.
Possess a minimum of 4 years Technical HR operational experience, of which 24 months specifies leadership experience supervising Soldiers in HR operations, documented on NCOERs. Applicant must be rendered a minimum of 12 months of current HR Operations on most recent NCOER supervising Soldiers.
Submit all Evaluations: Evaluations must reflect outstanding performance of the HR operational experience to include leadership of Soldiers performing HR functions. Outstanding performance is considered as a preponderance of the following.
- DA Form 2166-8. Exceeding the standard (Excellence). Rated by the Rater (Part Va) as “Among the Best” with strong Senior Rater comments.
- DA Form 2166-9-1. “Met Standard” in Part IVc-h, with strong Rater comments in Part IVi. “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
- DA Form 2166-9-2. Preponderance of “Far Exceeded Standard” or “Exceeded Standard” in Part IVc-i, with strong Rater comments in Part IVj; “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
- All – Outstanding performance should be articulated by specific, quantifiable comments by the Rater. Senior Rater potential comments should be clearly quantified and qualified. HR technical competence should be clearly stated in the evaluations.
Applicants, at a minimum, must be a 42A ALC Graduate. A waiver may be granted by the CWOAGC/AG Proponent Warrant Officer on a case-by-case basis for successful completion of the Adjutant General School’s Human Resources Management Qualification Course (HRMQC). The HRMQC is an MOS-producing course for Soldiers who graduated from anotherMOS’ ALC. NCOs are not authorized multiple ALC attendance in another MOS. Officers and NCOs who are transitioning into an HR position holding another MOS may use this course as a waiver request and consideration to the AG WO Proponent. Courses with the same name that are not provided by the Adjutant General’s School will not be considered.
30 semester hours of college with a minimum of six (6) semester hours College English Composition I and II or higher such as English Composition, Technical Writing, Business Writing, etc. from an accredited academic institution. Speech and public speaking courses are not considered as meeting this requirement even if administered by the English department of an institution. Successful completion of the CLEP College Composition examination in English or an undergraduate degree are the only acceptable alternatives. Transcripts comprised of only military training credit are not acceptable. The Department of Education maintains a database of accredited postsecondary education institutions and programs at http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/.
DA Form 705, Army Physical Fitness Scorecard. DA Form 5500 must also be submitted when applicant does not meet weight requirements.
Letter of recommendation:
Must possess a Letter of recommendation from a Senior HR Technician (CW3-CW5), in the component to which you are applying, and assigned to the applicant's organization, attesting to your technical and tactical competence in CMF 42. In organizations where no Senior HR Technician is assigned, a letter of recommendation from a Senior HR Technician assigned to the applicant's State/Command will also meet this requirement provided the senior warrant officer is in the component for which you are applying.
*Junior Grade Warrant Officers (420As) are encouraged to provide a Letter of Recommendation that speaks to the applicant’s in-depth technical skills in terms of mental capacity, experience, systems, leadership, character, presence, and fitness that are often not scripted in evaluations or the resume. This is not to substitute the SWO LOR.
Substitution of Experience:
Practical experience acquired from military/civilian positions may be substituted provided the experience is documented by employee evaluations and determined to be equivalent to military experience. Possessing a degree in Human Resources or related fields of study will not directly substitute for experience but will be considered in the overall strength of the packet and the aptitude for future learning and development.
Preferred knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs): (Preferred KSAs strengthen an application. They are not requirements and do not require a waiver if lacking)
Degree or certification(s) related to Information Technology and/or Data Management (highly preferred)
Professional certifications (i.e., MS Office, PHR, PMP)
Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university
Demonstrated MS Office Proficiency (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, and PowerPoint)
Documented computer training as evidenced on official transcripts or training certificates.
The implementation of Direct Appointment and Direct Commission of certain Warrant Officers is a policy change meant to address operational shortages in certain warrant officer occupational specialties. Due to increased accessions and targeted recruiting over the past 6 years, the AG Corps is not currently experiencing, nor do we expect to experience, operational shortages requiring implementation of direct appointment or commissioning of AG WOs in the foreseeable future. We will continue to monitor the balance of accessions and operational strength to current and future requirements, and will be prepared, if necessary, to use this lever as a tool to address future needs.
Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter. Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
420A Warrant Officer Proponent:
CW4 Matthew D. Collins Sr.
DSN: 312-734-8329
COMM: 803-751-8329
CW5 Chad G. Bowen
DSN: 312-734-8358
COMM: 803-751-8358
Last Update: 11 June 2024