Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
350F - All Source Intelligence Technician
The All Source Intelligence Technician serves as the expert in charge of intelligence analysis and synchronization at multiple echelons; responsible for the analysis of information collected from all intelligence sources and intelligence disciplines into finished intelligence analysis in support of mission command (MC). Advises the commander, staff elements, and intelligence leadership on planning considerations through analysis and tailored intelligence products. Manages functions within the intelligence process, military decision making process, and targeting cycle. Integrates intelligence architecture in support of intelligence analysis, and maintains intelligence databases to support intelligence processes.
***Applicants must meet all Administrative Requirements to become a Warrant Officer.***
350F Prerequisites
  • Must be a SGT (E-5) or above. (NO WAIVERS)
  • Have successfully completed 35F MOS producing course.
  • Must have successfully completed ALC Phase 1.
  • Have a minimum of three years demonstrated 35F experience, and at least two operational positions.
  • Must submit a minimum of two (2) NCOERs, 24 months rated time reflecting technical, tactical competence and exceptional duty performance ratings as a 35F demonstrated by rater and senior rater comments. Applicants should wait for their most recent finalized NCOER before application submission. The most recent NCOER submitted cannot exceed 12 months from the date the WO Application is submitted.   Applicants WILL submit all NCOERS, regardless of duty position or duty MOS, for review by the MI WO Proponent and Accession Board.
Rater’s bullet comments reflecting performance:
  • MOS competency and technical ability must be clearly stated on the NCOER
  • Supervisory capacity (leadership) in MOS by position or assignments
  • Bullets must identify that the NCO was responsible for executing MOS functions
  • Ability to lead and perform at a higher level in a stressful demanding environment
Senior Rater’s bullet comments reflecting potential:
  • Exceptional promotion potential
  • Capacity to serve in assignments or positions of increased supervisory responsibility
  • Must have a current Top Secret clearance based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) and be currently eligible for access to sensitive compartmentalized information (SCI) before acceptance into the WOCS. In addition, applicants requiring periodic reinvestigation (PR) must submit their PR paperwork prior to submitting a WO Accession Application
  • Enclose a written Letter of Recommendation (LoR) from a 350F (CW2-CW5).  If no 350F is available, please contact Proponent for guidance/assistance. (NO WAIVERS)

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
CW5 Michael Works
MI Warrant Officer Proponent
DSN: 821.1181 or COMM: 520.533.1181


CW5 John Laliberte
ARNG Warrant Officer Proponent
COMM: 258.403.0650
Army National Guard wishing to apply for position as a Warrant Officer, should contact their State, Territory or the District of Columbia Warrant Officer Strength Manager (WOSM) at site http://www.nationalguard.com/contacts/wosm.

Last Update: 17 June 2024