Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
180A - Special Forces Warrant Officer
Special Forces (SF) warrant officers are combat leaders and staff officers. They are experienced subject matter experts in unconventional warfare, operations and intelligence fusion, and planning and execution at all levels across the operational continuum. They advise commanders on all aspects of special operations and are responsible for the integration of emerging technologies. Warrant officers in the rank of WO1/CW2, serve on a Special Forces Operational Detachment – Alpha (SFOD-A) primarily as the assistant detachment commander and can also serve as the detachment commander (in the absence of a commander). Select CW3/CW4 serve as the commander of specialized teams. Typically, those in the rank of CW3 through CW5 serve as staff operations warrant officers within a SF group and at higher Army SOF and joint SOF commands. They may lead task-organized SOF elements as directed. They serve as senior warrant officer advisors (SWOA) to the commander for all operational and administrative matters pertaining to the unit.  Select CW5 serve as the Command Chief Warrant Officers for the Commanders of Special Forces Groups; Command Chief Warrant Officer for the Commander, 1st Special Forces Command; Special Forces Chief Warrant Officer of the Branch / Command Chief Warrant Officer for the Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School; and Command Chief Warrant Officer for the Commander, United States Army Special Operations Command.

Minimum Prerequisites for Enlisted:
  • Must hold a CMF 18 MOS.
  • Must be a SSG (E-6) or above.
  • Must have at a minimum of 36 months experience assigned to a Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha (SFOD-A) documented on a DA Form 2166-8 (NCOER).
  • Must have a current DA Form 330 with at least a 1/1 language proficiency.
  • Must meet the medical fitness standards for SF duty and commissioning physical dated within the last 6 months at time of receipt at USAREC. A completed USAREC Form 3.1 (Results of Medical Examination) must be included with application.
  • Must have at least the minimum Letters of Recommendation from the following:
    • SF Company Commander
    • SF Battalion Commander
    • SF Group Commander
    • SF CCWO
Individuals serving outside an operational Special Forces Group must additionally receive a letter of endorsement (memorandum for record) from the gaining Special Forces Group Commander or CCWO.
Individuals requesting to change Special Forces Groups must receive a letter of acceptance (memorandum for record) from the gaining Special Forces Group Commander or CCWO.
*Requirement for these memorandums of record will be verified by the 180A Proponent Manager*
Individuals serving outside of an operational Special Forces Group must complete a minimum of 24 months of their current assignment before submitting an application.
Army National Guard applicants must meet the prerequisites listed above, but submit their packets through their state CCWO or strength manager.
Minimum Prerequisites for SF Officers (18A):
  • Must have a current DA Form 330 with at least a 1/1 language proficiency.
  • Must meet the medical fitness standards for SF duty and commissioning physical dated within the last 6 months at time of receipt at USAREC. A completed USAREC Form 3.1 (Results of Medical Examination) must be included with application.
  • Must have at least the minimum Letters of Recommendation from the following:
    • SF Company Commander
    • SF Battalion Commander
    • SF Group Commander
    • SF CCWO
  • An 18A can request a transition to 180A after completing 24 months utilization as a Detachment Commander for a SFOD-A.
  • All AD SF Officers seeking to transition to 180A, must submit an Unqualified Resignation (UQR) packet IAW with AR 600-8-4. Upon selection and the subsequent release of the Warrant Officer Selection Board Results, SF officers must submit a UQR through their unit’s human resources office (S-1).  
Additional Required Documents:
  • Chain of Command and 06/GS15 Endorsements
  • O6/GS15 Counseling
  • Sexual assault statement
  • Reserve counseling
  • Waivers (separations) - if applicable for any Active Duty Service Obligations (IAW AR 350-100)
UQR memorandum, which must be drafted IAW AR 600-8-4, Officer Transfers and Discharges.  The effective date of separation for the UQR will be one day prior to the projected SFWOTTCC graduation date
Once received by the transition center, UQR process takes approximately 60 days. Packets that include waivers will require an additional 30 days to process.
A-HRC link to the UQR page below:

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
Active Duty POC:
CW5 Eli A. Gumm
MOS 180A Proponent Manager,
United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
Bryant Hall, D-3206 Ardennes Street, Ft Bragg, NC 28310-9610
COMM: (910) 432-7597
DSN: 239-7597
CW5 Rodney Holliday
Chief NGSF Warrant Officer Branch
U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School
Direct: 910-432-2238
Cell: 910-584-1699

Last Updated: 15 May 2024