Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
131A - Field Artillery Targeting Technician
The Field Artillery Warrant Officer advises the Commander and staff on all matters relative to the Army's targeting methodology and the employment of target acquisition assets. Synchronizes and coordinates the Army's targeting process and Joint Fires at all echelons. Plans, organizes, implements, monitors, and evaluates operations for the technical/tactical employment of Target Acquisition sensors. As company grade Warrant Officers (WO1 and CW2), 131As may serve as a Targeting Officer, a Field Artillery Intelligence Officer (FAIO), or Counterfire Officer at the BCT, FAB, or DIVARTY. Field grade Warrant Officers (CW3-CW4) serve in a variety of positions. CW3s serve as BCT Targeting Officers, SF Group Targeting Officer, DIVARTY Targeting Officers, and Field Artillery Intelligence Officers in Divisions and Corps. CW4s serve as DIV/Corps FAIOs, DIV/Corps Targeting Officers, Targeting Officers in a Theater Fires Command, Targeting Officers in a Multi-Domain Fires Element (MDFE), and Targeting Officers in a Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD). Senior field grade Warrant Officers (CW5) serve as Targeting Officers at Corps and echelons above Corps (EAC), such as Multi-Domain Task Force, MDFE, and TFC.
***Applicants must meet all Administrative Requirements to become a Warrant Officer.***
  • Applicants must submit a separate waiver for each prerequisite not met.
  • Waiver requests must provide rationale as to why the waiver should be granted. Submission of a waiver does not constitute automatic approval. 
  • Prerequisite waivers will not be granted in conjunction with a request for an Active Federal Service (AFS) Waiver.
Active Duty
  • Be a SSG, SFC, or CPT. Exceptional SGTs will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. See below for details. (No Waivers)
  • Be an Advance Leadership Course (ALC) or Captains Career Course (CCC) graduate. (All Phases) SGTs applying must have “Exceeded Course Standards, Honor Graduate, Commandant’s List, or Superior Academic Achievement” stated on 1059 received from the Basic Leadership Course (BLC).
  • Hold MOS within CMF 11, CMF 13, or CMF 19.
  • Sister Service feeder MOS: USAF: 1C4xx (Tactical Air Control Party); USMC: 08xx (Field Artillery) (No Waivers)
  • 4 years  minimum experience in a feeder MOS.
  • Have ASVAB base line scores of 110 for Field Artillery (FA) and Technical (ST/TECH).
  • Have six (6) semester hours of College Composition and three (3) semester hours of Math (“C” grade or higher) from a regionally accredited institution not gained through an evaluation of military education. English 100 or higher, such as English Composition, Technical Writing, Business Writing, etc. will fulfill this requirement. Speech and Public Speaking courses are not accepted. A completed degree not requiring the above-mentioned classes, will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Must have 24 months of documented (NCOERs/OERs) leadership experience in a feeder MOS. (No Waivers)
  • The majority of NCOERs/OERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with "Among the Best / Far Exceeded Standard / Exceeded Standard" ratings by the Rater and "Successful / Superior / Most Qualified / Highly Qualified (with strong enumeration)" ratings by the Senior Rater. SGTs applying must have at least 1 “Most Qualified” report by the Senior Rater.
  • Soldiers must be fully deployable, able to meet all physical requirements IAW AR 40-501, and meet height/weight standards IAW AR 600-9. (No Waivers)
  • Have a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) from a 131A CW3-CW5 who is currently on active duty. (No Waivers)
National Guard and Reserve
  • SGT thru LTC
  • Be a Basic Leadership Course (BLC) graduate or Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) graduate.
  • Hold MOS within CMF 11, CMF 13, or CMF 19.
  • Sister Service feeder MOS: USAF: 1C4xx (Tactical Air Control Party); USMC: 08xx (Field Artillery) (No Waivers)
  • 4 years minimum experience in a feeder MOS.
  • Have ASVAB line scores of 110 for Field Artillery (FA) and Technical (ST/TECH).
  • Have six (6) semester hours of College Composition and three (3) semester hours of Math (“C” grade or higher) from a regionally accredited institution not gained through an evaluation of military education. English 100 or higher, such as English Composition, Technical Writing, Business Writing, etc. will fulfill this requirement. Speech and Public Speaking courses are not accepted. A completed degree not requiring the above-mentioned classes, will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Must have 24 months of documented (NCOER/OER) leadership experience in a feeder MOS. (No Waivers)
  • The majority of NCOERs/OERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with "Among the Best / Far Exceeded Standard / Exceeded Standard" ratings by the Rater and "Successful / Superior / Most Qualified / Highly Qualified (with strong enumeration)" ratings by the Senior Rater.
  • Soldiers must be fully deployable, able to meet all physical requirements IAW AR 40-501, and meet height/weight standards IAW AR 600-9. (No Waivers)
  • Have a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) from a 131A CW2-CW5. (No Waivers)
* National Guard and Reserve Soldiers applying for Active Component must follow prerequisites for Active Duty.
Preferred qualifications for Active Component:
  • Hold an Associate Degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Battle Staff Course.
  • Have 8 years or less of Active Federal Service (AFS)
  • 40 hours or more of AFATDS, JADOCS and CPOF/CPCE classes.
  • Complete the following courses on Joint Knowledge Online (JKO):
    • ​​Interorganizational Coordination and Multinational Operations (N-US1148)
    • Joint Fires and Joint Targeting (P-US1147)
    • Joint Intelligence (P-US1142)
    • Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (P-US361)

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for all application information and required forms and samples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
Active Duty: CW4 Christopher Brooks
FA Proponent Warrant Officer
Fires Center of Excellence
730 Schimelpfenig Road, Rm 265, Fort Sill, OK 73503-9016

E-Mail: christopher.n.brooks.mil@army.mil
Office: 580-442-4962
DSN: 639-4962
ARNG POC: CW5 Sean D. Deuth
SR FA WO Advisor, ARNG
Fires Center of Excellence

455 McNair Ave., Fort Sill, OK 73503-9016
Office: 580-442-4587
GOV Cell: 580-919-6391

Last Updated: 12 June 2023