TRICARE Health Services
assistance please contact your Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager (SFA): 1-800-790-0963
TRICARE is the worldwide health care program for uniformed service members and their eligible family members. Depending on your eligibility, you can choose among TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, certain optional premium-based plans, or TRICARE For Life (TFL). Most TRICARE medical program options include comprehensive health care coverage and a pharmacy benefit.
TRICARE has two regions, plus Overseas:

TRICARE Prime TRICARE Prime Remote TRICARE Young Adult
TRICARE Prime Overseas TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas
TRICARE Select TRICARE Select Overseas
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Covered Services
The TRICARE Pharmacy Program provides prescription drugs through military pharmacies, TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery, TRICARE retail network pharmacies, and non-network pharmacies. Your options for filling your prescription depend on the type of drug your provider prescribes. If you’re in USFHP, you have different pharmacy coverage.
Pharmacy Options:
- Military Treatment Facility-90 day supply
- Express Scripts Home Delivery 90 day supply
- Retail Pharmacy-30 day supply
Dental coverage is separate from TRICARE's medical coverage. Your dental coverage is based on who you are:
*Note: Adult children enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult do not qualify for dental benefits.
Find a Dentist
FEDVIP vision plans vary in coverage and cost. They may include routine eye exams, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.
A Qualifying Life Event (QLE) is a certain change in your life, such as moving, marriage, birth of a child, or retirement from active duty. This means TRICARE health plan options for you and your family may change. A QLE opens a 90-day period for you and your family to make eligible enrollment changes. A QLE for one family member creates a chance for all eligible family members to change their TRICARE health plan during the QLE period.