EFMP Program Overview
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a mandatory enrollment program, based on carefully defined rules. EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support and personnel services to Families with special needs. EFMP enrollment works to ensure that needed services are available at the receiving command. All Soldiers are responsible to update their EFMP status every three years or as any changes occur. If a Soldier allows his/her EFMP status to expire, it will affect his/her ability to receive new orders and PCS. The EFMP operates I.A.W. AR 608-75. When a Soldier receives a new assignment to a remote location within the U.S. or a location overseas, the Soldier must have their EFM screened. Overseas Family travel may be delayed (unapproved) until the Family members, who will accompany the Soldier, have been screened for medical and special education conditions.

Stay connected, find information on helpful tips related to special needs and connect with an EFMP family's forum to come together and discuss issues.
Instructions for updating and submitting your EFMP enrollment documents
In order to enroll/update in EFMP you will need to visit the E-EFMP website at https://efmp.army.mil/EnterpriseEfmp/ and create an account. If the Exceptional Family Member is a spouse, the spouse will also need to go online and create a DS LOGON.
You will complete online via E-EFMP the DD Form 2792 (for medical enrollment) or DD Form 2792-1 (for educational enrollment), or both if applicable. Complete the personal information sections. If you are utilizing a civilian medical provider or completing the education portion, you will be directed to print the generated forms (2792 and/or 2792-1) for completion by the medical provider and/or school personnel. Once completed you can scan and upload the documents back into the E-EFMP online website. Do not submit documents to the EFMP Systems Navigators. Systems Navigators do not have access to the systems utilized by the MTF to process documents.
1. After completion, the completed DD 2792 and/or DD 2792-1 form(s) and any applicable attachments are uploaded in the E-EFMP online website. (Or submitted as noted above)
2. The Army EFMP Case Coordinator conducts an administrative review of the forms for completeness. If anything is missing, the EFMP Case Coordinator will notify the Service Member via email.
3. Following the administrative review, the EFMP Case Coordinator forwards the forms to the appropriate Regional Medical Command (RMC).
4. The RMC reviews the forms to determine medical and/or educational eligibility.
5. If eligible, the RMC enters the data into an automated EFMP database on the Army Personnel Network.
6. The EFMP Case Coordinator notifies the Soldier of enrollment.
NOTE: Soldiers are responsible for ensuring that the EFMP information is current. Updates are required when a family member's special medical or education needs change, or at least every three years. The EFMP Regulation requires enrollment for active diagnoses requiring care within the last year, but for asthma, cancer, or any mental health diagnoses, any care in the last five years must be reviewed for possible enrollment.
Once the DD 2792 or DD2792-1 is submitted, it may take up to four weeks to process and transfer between PERNET, MEDPROS and EDAS. This is why it is important to begin an update or disenrollment well before the expiration date and an initial enrollment well before the PCS cycle. Only enrollments and updates related to compassionate reassignments may be expedited by the coding team.
To Disenroll from EFMP:
In order to disenroll from EFMP you will need to visit the new E-EFMP website at https://efmp.army.mil/EnterpriseEfmp/ and create an account. If the Exceptional Family Member is a spouse, the spouse will also need to go online and create a DS LOGON. EFMP Systems Navigators are unable to process EFMP Enrollments/Updates/Disenrollments.
You may request disenrollment if any of the following occurs:
• Special medical or educational services are no longer required for your family member as validated by a physician and/or school official. If this is the case, fill out the DD2792 or DD2792-1 (as appropriate), have provider sign, and check "disenrollment" box. Upload completed documents to the E-EFMP web portal.
• Divorce or loss of custody of the enrolled family member. Upload official divorce/custody legal documents to the E-EFMP web portal.
• Family member is deceased. Upload death certificate to the E-EFMP web portal.
Q1: What do I do if my Family member no longer needs to be enrolled in the EFMP?
A1: You need to request disenrollment from the EFMP. To do this, ask the doctor to complete the DD Form 2792 and indicate that the special need no longer exists *Make sure the physician signs the bottoms of pages 5, 6, and 8.* Upload completed documents to the E-EFMP web portal.
Q2: How do I get my Family member disenrolled from the EFMP if he/she is over age 21 and is no longer my DEERS-enrolled dependent?
A2: Complete items 1-5 on page 2 of the DD Form 2792. Have your SFA pull up a screen shot of DEERS to submit with the paperwork. Upload completed documents and screenshot to the E-EFMP web portal.
Q3: How do I get my ex-wife/ex-husband disenrolled from the EFMP?
A3: Complete items 1-5 on page 2 of the DD Form 2792; Have your SFA pull up a screen shot of DEERS to submit with the paperwork. Upload completed documents, screenshot, and legal divorce decree to the E-EFMP web portal.
Q4: My ex-wife/ex-husband has full custody of my EFM. What do I need to do?
A4: Complete items 1-5 on page 2 of the DD Form 2792; Have your SFA pull up a screen shot of DEERS to submit with the paperwork. Upload completed documents, screenshot, and legal custody documents to the E-EFMP web portal.
1. After completion, the completed DD 2792 and/or DD 2792-1 form(s) and any applicable attachments are submitted as noted above.
2. The Army EFMP Case Coordinator conducts an administrative review of the forms for completeness. If anything is missing, the EFMP Case Coordinator will notify the Service Member via email.
3. Following the administrative review, the EFMP Case Coordinator forwards the forms to the appropriate Regional Medical Command (RMC).
4. The RMC reviews the forms to determine medical and/or educational eligibility OR dis-enrollment.
5. If eligible, the RMC enters the data into an automated EFMP database on the Army Personnel Network.
6. The EFMP Case Coordinator notifies the Soldier of dis-enrollment.
Once the DD 2792 or DD2792-1 is It may take up to four weeks to process and transfer between PERNET, MEDPROS and EDAS. This is why it is important to begin an update or disenrollment well before the expiration date and an initial enrollment well before the PCS cycle. Only enrollments and updates related to compassionate reassignments may be expedited by the coding team.
EFMP Enrollment
If you need assistance with EFMP Enrollment, please contact your EFMP System Navigator.
Top 5 Need To Know when it comes to the EFMP Program
- If your Family member requires to see a specialist (developmental pediatrician, ABA therapy…) even if it’s once a year, than you might qualify for EFMP enrollment;
- If your Family member requires any type of educational interventions (IEP, 504…), than you might qualify for EFMP enrollment;
- If you qualify for EFMP, enrollment is Mandatory;
- EFMP paperwork needs to be updated every 3 years or as changes occur (new diagnosis, divorce…);
- Requests/Packets for EFMP enrollment, updates or dis-enrollment (to include DD Forms 2792, and/or 2792-1, and supporting documents if applicable like divorce decrees, or death certificates) must be sent to the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF) or to your BN/BDE SFA;
For any additional EFMP questions or concerns please contact your EFMP Systems Navigators!
Currently managing 3rd, 5th , and 6th BDE: Currently managing 1st , 2nd , and MRB BDE:
Cynthia Wilson: Stacy Curl:
502-626-2015 502-626-1080
cynthia.l.wilson95.ctr@army.mil stacy.b.curl.ctr@army.mil
Systems Navigators can also be reached at the following mailbox: usarmy.knox.usarec.mbx.hq-g1-efmp@army.mil