Overview for Army Physicians

Are you a Prospective Medical Student? Here's a list of Programs/Incentives that may apply
- Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP): Active Duty (Full Time Army Job)
- Health Professions Scholarship Program Accession Bonus (HPSP AB): Active Duty
- Medical/Dental School Stipend Program (MDSSP) : Reserves (Part Time Army Job)
- Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) School of Medicine: Active Duty
Are you a Resident? Here's a list of Programs/Incentives that may apply
- Financial Assistance Program (FAP): Active Duty (Full Time Army Job)
- Specialized Training Assistance Program (STRAP): Reserves (Part Time Army Job)
- Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP): Reserves
- Certain Specialties apply
- HPLRP and STRAP may be applied together
Are you a Physician? Here's a list of Programs/Incentives that may apply
- Critical Wartime Skills Accession Bonus (CWSAB): Active Duty (Full Time Army Job)
- Certain Specialties apply to the CWSAB
- Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (ADHPLRP): Active Duty
- Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP): Reserves (Part Time Army Job)
- Can be applied to either Practicing Physicians or Residents
- Certain Specialties apply.
- Health Professions Special Pay: Reserves
- Applies to Certain Specialties
**Note pay is based on Rank, Time in Service, Incentive Pay (specific to your specialty), Specialty Pay and Board Certification**
Active Duty Medical Corps Programs/Incentives:
Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)
Program provides up to a 4 year scholarship to students accepted to or enrolled in accredited schools of medicine or osteopathy. Applicant must be a US citizen. HPSP provides full tuition, monthly stipend of over $2,300.00 for 10 and one-half months and reimbursement of certain academic fees. For the other 45 days, the applicant will receive Second Lieutenant pay during Active Duty Training. Appointed and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant branch unassigned while participating in the HPSP program. Soldiers are commissioned as Medical Corps Captains upon graduation from medical school. Soldiers incur an Active Duty Obligation of 2 years for the first 2 years, or portion thereof, of program participation. Participation for more than 2 years will result in an additional Active Duty Obligation of one-half year for each additional one-half year or portions thereof. Want more information on HPSP? Click on "HPSP" to learn more.
Health Professions Scholarship Accession Bonus (HPSP AB)
Medical Corps applicants, regardless of scholarship length, are eligible to receive the HPSP AB. Applicants must meet the HPSP eligibility requirements. The accession bonus will provide the applicant with a $20,000 bonus that is taxable and will be paid in three increments between first and second HPSP monthly stipend phase. Active Duty Obligation (ADO) in conjunction with HPSP is 4 years, regardless of the length of HPSP participation. The HPSP AB obligation is served concurrently with the HPSP ADO.
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) School of Medicine
Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree. Students receive full pay and allowances commensurate with rank during entire program; tuition expenses paid by the Army. Graduates receive M.D. degrees and are reappointed as Regular Army captains in the Medical Corps. Active Duty Obligation is 7 years, not counting medical school, internship, or residency. Direct all interested individuals to call the USUHS at 1-800-772-1743 or visit the USUHS Web site at www.USUHS.mil.
Financial Assistance Program (FAP)
Open to physicians at any point during their residency training, such as, Post Graduate Year (PGY) II and above. Must be PGY1 complete and successfully passed all three steps of the USMLE/COMLEX exams on the first attempt. Certain individuals may be eligible to apply in PGY I based on Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG) guidance. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis by OTSG/GME. Provides an annual grant of up to $45,000 plus a monthly stipend of over $2,300.00. Active Duty Obligation is 2 years for the first year of FAP participation plus one-half year for each additional one-half year (or portions thereof) of participation with a minimum period of 2 years on Active Duty. Individuals must be US citizens.
Critical Wartime Skills Accession Bonus (CWSAB)
Provides accession bonus for eligible Area of Concentration's (AOC's) that are listed in the Pay Plan Memo and sign a written agreement to serve on Active Duty for not less than 4 consecutive years in exchange for receiving the CWSAB. The payments will be paid in 4 annual payments. The first payment will be requested upon completion of Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) and arrival at the first duty station. The remaining 3 payments will be made on the anniversary date of the first payment. Prior service Medical Corps officers must have been discharged at least 24 months to be eligible.
Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (ADHPLRP)
This program will repay up to $40,000 of qualified loans to lending institution annually for a maximum of 3 years. Active Duty Obligation is 1 year-for-year receiving loan repayment with a minimum period of 2 years on Active Duty. Only missioned Areas of Concentration's are authorized ADHPLRP. Taxable income.
Army Reserve Medical Corps Programs/Incentives
Health Professions Special Pay
Special pay provides up to $50,000 per year, participants must choose 2, 3 or 4 year affiliation for physicians in eligible specialties joining the Army Reserve. Physicians must have completed a residency program in the specialty in which they are applying. Participants must serve in an Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU), AMEDD Professional Medical Command (APMC), or Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA) program. Individuals may be eligible, if qualified, to participate in one other Army Reserve incentive program. Special pay may not be offered concurrently with STRAP. Eligible Area of Concentration's are listed in the Select Reserve Incentive Program Memo.
Specialized Training Assistance Program (STRAP)
Stipend program for physicians in designated specialties currently enrolled in accredited residency programs. Participants receive a monthly stipend of over $2,300.00. Participants incur a 1-year obligation in the Army Reserve for every 6 months or portion thereof of financial assistance. STRAP participants must serve in an Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU), AMEDD Professional Medical Command (APMC), or Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) program after completing residency; must be a US citizen. Eligible Area of Concentration (AOC) are listed in the Select Reserve Incentive Program Memo.
Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP)
Program provides up to $250,000 for repayment of education loans for physicians in certain specialties. Eligible Area of Concentration's are listed in the Select Reserve Incentive Program Memo or the Pay Plan Memo. This applies to applicants who are serving in an Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU), AMEDD Professional Medical Command (APMC), or Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) program. For each year of satisfactory service in an Army Reserve TPU, APMC, or the IMA program, a maximum up to $40,000 (annually) will be applied to an education loan, up to a total of $250,000. Individuals may be eligible, if qualified, to apply for one other Army Reserve incentive. STRAP may be offered at the same time. Taxable income.
Medical/Dental School Stipend Program (MDSSP)
Provides a monthly stipend of over $2,300.00 to individuals accepted into an accredited medical program. Participants are assigned the primary Area of Concentration of 00E67 in the Medical Service Corps. Must be a US citizen. Incurs a 1 year obligation in the Army Reserve for each 6 months (or partial 6 month period) of financial assistance. Upon completion of residency training must serve in an Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU), AMEDD Professional Medical Command (APMC), or Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA) program.
Some Eligibility Requirements for Joining the Army Medical Corps
- Commissions are available to qualified physicians in the Regular Army (RA) and Army Reserve (AR).
- Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen for Regular Army or a permanent resident for Army Reserve.
- Regular Army and Army Reserve applicants must have a Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy Degree from an accredited U.S. School of Medicine or Osteopathy. Foreign graduates may apply if they have a permanent certificate from the Educational Council of Foreign Medical Graduates.
- Must have completed at least one year of an approved Graduate Medical Education (GME) internship.
- Must hold a current, valid, active and unrestricted license to practice medicine in the U.S., District of Columbia or Puerto Rico.
- Must be at least board eligible.
Maj. Ezella Washington, DO, shares her experience with the U.S. Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), which allowed her to graduate from medical school debt-free, work around the world and grow as a clinician.
In 2015, U.S. Army cardiologist Col. Eugene Soh, MD, began performing transcatheter aortic heart valve replacements (TAVR) at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. In this video, he shares his excitement at offering the cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure to his patients.
Watch Lt. Col. Ada Stewart discuss her life in the U.S. Army Reserves as a Family Physician.
Learn why Major Joseph Stinner, an orthopedic trauma surgeon in the U.S. Army, chose the Army for his medical career. From Honduras to Texas, he heals wounded Soldiers using the latest cutting edge medical technology.
Watch COL Scott M. Armen, M.D. in the U.S. Army Reserves, discuss his life as a Trauma Surgeon.
In the U.S. Army, health care providers have the flexibility to follow their interests and grow professionally through a variety of roles. Col. Todd Villines, MD, FACC, a cardiologist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, shares his career path as not only a clinician using advanced imaging to provide high-quality patient care, but also an educator, researcher and leader – all while serving our nation on America’s first team.
Watch Lt. Col. Christopher Loyke discuss his life in the U.S. Army Reserves as a Family Physician.
U.S. Army Maj. Nicolas Cahanding, D.O., is passionate about leveraging the latest health care technology to provide high-quality patient care. In this video Maj. Cahanding demonstrates a procedure known as radioembolization, a form of therapy that destroys cancerous tissue with radiation energy.
Want to learn more about becoming an Army Physician? Click on "Army Physician" which will provide information like eligibility, benefits and financial assistance.
»Want more information on becoming an Army Healthcare Professional? Click on "More Information".«