Information On Discharge From Current Service And Enlistment Into The Army (Once Selected For The Warrant Officer Program)


NOTE: During the Discharge and Enlistment process, you must ensure that you arrange to enlist into the Army the next day after separation from your parent service. If you have a day or more break in service, or if you enlist on the same day as separation, you will not receive your correct pay and allowances until this discrepancy is corrected. The process of correcting this discrepancy could take 3-6 months. REF: Para F-8, UR 601-210 (2015).

Warrant Officer (WO) selectees will receive instructions from Warrant Officer Accessions, Human Resource Command (HRC) 90 days after selection and will report back to an Army Recruiter with those instructions. The recruiter will complete the DD Form 1966 (enlistment contract) and SF 86 (no other forms are required) and schedule WO selectee for processing based on the instructions from HRC. The recruiter will then schedule the WO selectee into the Army Recruiting and Accession Data System (ARADS) for enlistment into the Army.

WO selectees do not require a physical because a physical was taken as part of the application process. WO selectees' copy of the physical will have the physical category. WO selectee must enlist in the Army for a period of 4 years on the day scheduled. MEPS will administer the oath of enlistment and issue orders using AR 600-8-105 to assign Aviation WO selectee to HHC, Warrant Officer Career Center, Fort Novosel, AL. All other WO selectees will be reassigned to their first WO assignment with TDY enroute at Fort Novosel, AL for the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) and TDY enroute at their basic technical course (wherever the school is located). Movement of family members is authorized to the location where the WO selectee is to be permanently assigned after training.