Warrant Officer Prerequisites and Duty Description
881A - Marine Engineering Officer
Responsible for the efficient and economical operation of the engine room machinery, auxiliary machinery, and specific deck equipment. Supervises and performs installation and repair of marine power plants, propulsion systems, heating and ventilation systems, and other mechanical plumbing and electrical equipment in ships and marine facilities. Inspects ships, machinery to determine compliance with maintenance standards and/or to determine extent and nature of repairs required. Maintains maintenance logbooks and prepares maintenance reports and work orders. Implements the Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) as it applies to Marine material. Manages onboard vessels repair parts supply.
***Applicants must meet all Administrative Requirements to become a Warrant Officer.***
  • SGT (E5) or above (Army FEEDER MOS 88L, 88K and related Sister Service applicants).
    • Must be certified in the CMF 88 to grade as per AR 56-9 if holding MOS 88L or 88K.
    • Have equivalent experience from another service component.
    • Have equivalent experience from civilian sector with US Coast Guard credentials and currently serving in a service component.
  • SSG (E6) or above (Army NON-FEEDER MOS).
Experience: (NON-WAIVERABLE) Army FEEDER MOS 88L, 88K and related Sister Service applicants only.
  • Documented maritime experience in the deck or engine department within the last four years.
  • Preponderance of sea time must be at a minimum on a Class B or other qualified vessels. Class A vessel experience preferred.
GT SCORE: (NON-WAIVERABLE) Army NON-FEEDER MOS’/Other applicants only.
  • Soldier must have a minimum of 118 General Technical (GT) score.
Military Education: (NON-WAIVERABLE) All Army and Sister Service applicants.
  • Completion of all phases of the Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) (Indicated on ERB/STP and provide copy of DA Form 1059).
Physical: (NON-WAIVERABLE) All Army and Sister Service applicants.
  • Must have physical profile of not less than 22221 (to hold MOS).
  • Must be in compliance with AR 40-501 para 4-12 a 5(a)(b) and AR 56-9 para 5-2 b (2)(a)(b)(c).
  • Must be Deployable.
  • Marine Certification Form (DA Form 7434) be completed with physical and included in packet.
NCO Evaluation Report: (NON-WAIVERABLE) All Army and Sister Service applicants.
  • Soldier will submit all NCOERs; other service components will submit all evaluation reports.
  • The majority of the Soldier's NCOERs must be noted with "Successful" performance and superior potential by the Senior Rater or "Exceeded Standard" performance by the Rater and "Highly Qualified" potential by the Senior Rater.
  • Successful duty performance is considered as a preponderance of the following:
    • DA Form 2166-8.  Exceeding the standard (Excellence).  Rated by the Rater (Part Va) as “Among the Best” with strong Senior Rater comments.
    • DA Form 2166-9-1.  “Met Standard” in Part IVc-h, with strong Rater comments in Part IVi.  “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V.
    • DA Form 2166-9-2.  Preponderance of “Far Exceeded Standard” or “Exceeded Standard” in Part IVc-i, with strong Rater comments in Part IVj; “Most Qualified” or “Highly Qualified” with strong Senior Rater comments in Part V
Civilian Education: (WAIVERABLE; CASE-BY-CASE) ALL Army and Sister Service applicants.
  • Must have six (3 semester hours each) of College English Composition and College Algebra from an accredited academic institution (Non-Waiverable). 
  • Successful completion of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) in College Composition or an undergraduate degree are the only acceptable alternatives. Transcripts comprised of only military training credit are not acceptable. The Department of Education maintains a database of accredited postsecondary education institutions and programs at http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/
  • Successful completion of the Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 11/12A is an acceptable alternative.  Either of the below test are acceptable (both not required). TABE 11/12A, Language or Writing, with NRS Level score of 6 or higher (+).
Letter of Recommendation (LOR): (NON-WAIVERABLE) ALL Army and Sister Service applicants.
  • Submit USAREC FORM 3.3 (Letter of Recommendation) from a Marine Engineer Officer (CW3-CW5), assigned to the Soldier’s organization, which attests to their technical and tactical competence and leadership qualities. For Reserve/ National Guard Component applicants, a Letter of Recommendation from a Marine Deck/Engineer Officer (CW3 or above) is preferred however, a recommendation from a CW5 warrant officer of any MOS is acceptable. If no Maritime Warrant Officer is assigned reach out to the TC WO proponent for assistance with identifying an alternate source for an LOR.

Address all warrant officer application questions and inquiries to a Regional Warrant Officer Recruiter.  Please visit the "How Do I Apply" page for required forms and examples. Contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding technical qualifications.
Active Duty POC:
CW4 Johnnett (John) D. Razontejada
Warrant Officer Proponent Career Development Officer of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT)
COMM: 804.765.7902
DSN: 312.539.7902
Army Reserve POC:
CW5 Grant, DeAngelo
Reserve Affairs USAR Senior WO Advisor
COMM: Contact Via Teams 

Last Updated: 17 June 2024