Relocation Information

Arriving Soldiers

While PCS travel always has many surprises, knowing more about the area and the people you'll be working with can really help. This site is designed to help you familiarize yourself with your new community and enable you to contact your commander and 1st Sergeant.

Find out everything you need before you move...

Call Army OneSource toll free at: (800) 464-8107   It's available 24-7 for your free relocation report, compliments of U.S. Army Recruiting for soldiers assigned to recruiting duty.

  • Cost of living for city and state to which you are relocating and how it compares with the cost of living where you presently reside.
  • Crime statistics
  • Profiles for types of schools
  • Location of churches, synagogues and mosques
  • Historical weather conditions
  • Vehicle registration policies and procedures

Try the Defense Manpower Data Center's SITES

Consumer Complaints

Military Spouse Employment Resource

USAREC Soldier & Family Assistance Web Site

In-Processing Checklist

In-processing is every Wednesday from 0700-1300.  Soldiers will check-in with their Station and CCG first, then in-process the next available Wednesday with their sponsor.  S-1 will work with soldiers on a case by case basis for emergency (financial) situations.

You must bring the following items with you at the time you in process:

  • PCS orders and any amendments to these orders
  • Original DA 31 (leave form)
  • Finance packet to include advance travel receipts (manila folder)
  • DD 1561 Request for Family Separation Allowance
  • MOS orders (provided by the Army Recruiter School)
  • Army Recruiter Course (ARC) graduation certificate
  • Vehicle registration (if you have two vehicles)
  • Information necessary to update DD 93 and SGLI
  • Military 201 file: 2A, 2-1, promotion packet (if applicable)
  • Last NCOER
  • Military ID card
  • Civilian and military drivers license
  • Reenlistment card
  • Quarters termination sheet if you lived in government quarters
  • OIF's if you have reintegration certification please bring with you
  • MEDPROS Update

It is extremely important you have all the above required documents at the time of your in-processing.  You may have a hard time getting these documents from your last duty station if you forget to get them before you leave.

Family Services

If you are moving here from previous recruiting assignment, you are already used to the unique Army lifestyle. However, if you are new to recruiting, you will find this Army assignment is unique in many way; one we hope you will enjoy and into which you can easily transition.

Think of this office as your mini-Army Community Services. We service roughly 500 people, to include Army recruiters, their families and single soldiers. We look forward to meeting you. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at 818-609-7468 or by email.

Battalion Family Liaison Program Contacts:

Fax: 818-609-7369

Resource Links: