Army Family Team Building



Army Family Team Building empowers individuals, maximizing their personal growth and professional development through specialized training, transforming our community into a resilient and strong foundation meeting today's military mission.



Some things never change. Military Families have always helped each other succeed. Family preparedness, self-reliance and resilience continue to be important to mission readiness. These key competencies help increase the Soldier’s confidence that their Family can manage their lives successfully regardless of the mission, which in turn helps the Soldier focus on that mission. Moreover, AFTB continues to empower individuals to maximize their personal growth and professional development through specialized training, as well as transform the Army community into a resilient and strong foundation meeting today’s mission.


AFTB is not limited to the boundaries of the Active Army. It embraces all the components of America's Army - the active-duty Soldier, the United States Army Reserves, the United States Army National Guard Department of Army Civilians and Family members.


In the philosophy of ‘the Army teaches its own to take care of themselves,’ AFTB helps to provide a consistent base of knowledge while promoting growth and successful military Families. 


To learn more about AFTB access the 24/7 online training today, Click here to begin training today online!


The AFTB program consists of three levels:   

AFTB Level I (Level K for Knowledge)


The level Knowledge is like Army 101 teaching the basics of military customs, courtesy, rank structures, chain of command and more. Learn how to decipher Army acronyms, utilize community programs, attain financial readiness, and understand the goal and impact of the Army mission. 


AFTB Level II (Level G for Growth)

Grow personally through self-development modules.  Learn how to improve your communication skills, personal relationships, and stress management skills.  Discover how teams form and grow, how to solve problems and how to resolve personal conflict.  Acquire knowledge on Army traditions, customs, courtesies and protocol.

AFTB Level III (Level L for Leadership)

Thrive in the Army and civilian life by expanding leadership skills, effective communication techniques and learning to mentor others into leadership positions.  Learn about the different leadership styles, how to run an effective meeting, how to manage group conflict and how to coach and mentor others.


Instructor Training Course


Teach and share your military experiences with other spouses by becoming a volunteer instructor.  Learn about platform skills, different methods of instruction and more to become an effective instructor.