• We want to hear from you and your experience with submitting your Warrant Officer packet. Please fill out the short survey and share your experience. 


  • All applications MUST be COMPLETE to be processed. INCOMPLETE packets will be returned without action. Waivers request must be included with the packet (USAREC G3 Special Programs Boards will process them accordingly).


  • For "New" applications, please allow 10 - 15 working days for processing, after submission, before inquiring about the status.


  • Please check the board schedule for new packet submission cutoff dates.


  • Any applicant fully qualified/non-select (FQNS) for two consecutive boards will be considered non-select/non-competitive (NSNC) and may not reapply for one year from the date of the DA 61, IAW DA PAM 601-6, Ch2, para 6.


  • Applicants may request an exception to the one year wait period when more pertinent qualifications have been acquired IAW AR 135-100 para 2-5. The USAREC Form 3.4 ETP example can be found here.
    • All requests must be routed through the applicant's Company Commander. Submit all supporting documents along with USAREC Form 3.4 and email request.


  • USAR Applicants will work with an Army Reserve Careers Group (ARCG) Officer Accession NCO (OANCO) to ensure qualifications, obtain application checklist, and submit application. Click here for more information regarding Army Reserve.