How Do I Participate in ConAP?

ConAP is designed to assist new active Army and Reserve Soldiers in formulating a plan to attend college. Proper planning for your future has never been more important, and education is a critical element of that plan. Here is how you get started.

Soldier eligibility criteria for ConAP: Enlist in the Army or Army Reserve and be a Future Soldier

1. Army: You can choose active-duty enlistment options of two to six years, and training is guaranteed in over 200 job skills.

2. Army Reserve: Initial Army Reserve enlistment options are for six years. You choose a skill upon enlistment depending on your qualifications and whether or not there is an opening in a local unit. Your training is the same as active Army Soldiers, nine weeks of Basic Training followed by Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at an Army school. Upon completion of training, you are required to attend one weekend drill a month plus two weeks of annual training each year.

After you enlist, you are in the Future Soldier Program until you leave for Basic Training.

Your opportunity to connect with a ConAP college will be presented by your Future Soldier leader at the Future Soldier orientation. During this process, you will first register for an online Future Soldier Training System account at Next, complete the 4-step process below.


Step 1: Future Soldiers make a plan for college by stating their intent to enroll in a college(s). Upon stating their intent to enroll in college to your recruiter, the Future Soldier Leader/ or recruiter will assist them in selecting a ConAP college(s), completing and submitting the College Referral and Intent to Enroll form to a college(s) of their choice. Emphasis is placed on local colleges because many Soldiers return home after discharge (or completion of their initial active duty for training for reserve soldiers) and attend a local college.

Step 2: College acknowledges Intent to Enroll. Each ConAP College has a designated point-of-contact who acknowledges Soldiers’ Intent to Enroll Form and initiates contact with the Future Soldier. These colleges work with soldiers who may defer admissions/enrollment until they complete their Active Duty enlistment obligation or Army Reserve Soldiers until they complete Initial Active Duty Training. Submission of Intent to Enroll and ConAP eligibility does not guarantee admission into a college. The college is not required to reserve a classroom seat until you have applied, been accepted for admission (this may require taking ACT/SAT), and make your intent to enroll for a particular semester. Students may enroll in distance learning courses offered by their “home college.” They will be provided the phone number and email address of their point-of-contact at the college plus the college’s website and encouraged to stay in touch with the college after training and/or while they are in the service.

STEP 3: Formal application to college. ConAP Soldiers make formal application for admission no more than one year before their expected date to enter college. The student is subject to the college’s admission requirements, application fees and degree standards as published at the time of enrollment. ConAP colleges award credit for military courses appropriate to the student’s curriculum and may award credit for military job experience.

STEP 4: Army Education Center Counseling/Unit Administrator. When active duty Soldiers arrive at their permanent duty station, they typically meet with an Army Education Center counselor during inprocessing. Counselors encourage Soldiers to take courses that will transfer to their ConAP “home college,” especially freshman English and mathematics.

For additional information about the Future Soldier process or for a list of frequently asked questions, click here to be directed to our resource page.

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