WEBVTT 00:00.899 --> 00:03.066 Hey there . I'm Sergeant Jared Rosiers 00:03.066 --> 00:05.177 and I'm Sergeant Tim Sherry and we're 00:05.177 --> 00:06.955 with the US Army Mar Ship Units 00:06.955 --> 00:09.066 International Rifle Section . Today , 00:09.066 --> 00:08.949 we're going to talk about rifle 00:08.960 --> 00:11.539 fundamentals in our first video of the 00:11.550 --> 00:14.689 new series Sporer Airo 101 . Follow him . 00:33.279 --> 00:35.501 The first fundamental we're going to be 00:35.501 --> 00:37.668 talking about today is aiming to start 00:37.668 --> 00:39.890 off . It is crucial that you start your 00:39.890 --> 00:41.946 shooting career by using your proper 00:41.946 --> 00:43.723 eye . You can find out your eye 00:43.723 --> 00:45.779 dominance in the next video to start 00:45.779 --> 00:48.150 today . You need to ensure that you're 00:48.159 --> 00:50.326 actually looking through the center of 00:50.326 --> 00:52.492 your eye socket . You don't want to be 00:52.492 --> 00:54.715 looking off to the side . You'll notice 00:54.715 --> 00:54.709 when looking through your sites , 00:54.720 --> 00:56.942 you're going to have multiple circles . 00:56.942 --> 00:58.998 As you can see in this picture . You 00:58.998 --> 01:00.831 want to make sure the spacing in 01:00.831 --> 01:03.053 between all of the circles is equal and 01:03.053 --> 01:05.276 concentric all the way around . If it's 01:05.276 --> 01:07.442 not , you will actually be pointing at 01:07.442 --> 01:09.609 areas that you don't intend to be . It 01:09.609 --> 01:11.442 is also important to prevent eye 01:11.442 --> 01:11.360 fatigue . You can do this in several 01:11.370 --> 01:13.769 ways . The first of them is to ensure 01:13.779 --> 01:15.557 both eyes are open while you're 01:15.557 --> 01:17.557 shooting you can do this by using a 01:17.557 --> 01:19.668 blinder . It is also important not to 01:19.668 --> 01:22.089 over hold and prevent radical burn . 01:22.199 --> 01:24.366 You do this by ensuring that your hold 01:24.366 --> 01:26.477 is in more than 10 to 12 seconds . So 01:26.477 --> 01:28.421 second , we have triggering , it's 01:28.421 --> 01:30.255 important to squeeze the trigger 01:30.255 --> 01:32.255 without changing where the rifle is 01:32.255 --> 01:34.421 pointing . If you were to snap or jerk 01:34.421 --> 01:36.643 at the trigger , you might change where 01:36.643 --> 01:38.739 the rifle is aiming . So for good 01:38.750 --> 01:40.972 triggering with a sport , a rifle , you 01:40.972 --> 01:43.028 want a firm but comfortable grip . A 01:43.028 --> 01:44.917 good rule of thumb that I have is 01:44.917 --> 01:47.083 similar to a firm handshake . You want 01:47.083 --> 01:49.300 little to no bend in your wrist , then 01:49.309 --> 01:51.531 you'll place your finger on the trigger 01:51.531 --> 01:53.587 and slowly squeeze through the first 01:53.587 --> 01:55.587 stage until you hit the wall of the 01:55.587 --> 01:57.531 second stage . Once you're there , 01:57.531 --> 01:59.531 you'll continue to squeeze straight 01:59.531 --> 02:01.642 into the rear and try to let the shot 02:01.642 --> 02:03.865 surprise you for good . Triggering with 02:03.865 --> 02:05.920 a sport a rifle . You want to try to 02:05.920 --> 02:07.920 break the shot in the middle of the 02:07.920 --> 02:09.920 hold so that you're not snapping or 02:09.920 --> 02:11.865 jerking at the trigger . The third 02:11.865 --> 02:13.976 fundamental we're going to be talking 02:13.976 --> 02:16.142 about today is follow through , follow 02:16.142 --> 02:15.858 through is continuing to apply the 02:15.869 --> 02:17.925 previous two fundamentals for 1 to 2 02:17.925 --> 02:19.869 seconds after the shot . What this 02:19.869 --> 02:22.091 means is after your shot goes off , you 02:22.091 --> 02:24.091 should not jump your finger off the 02:24.091 --> 02:26.202 trigger . You should continue looking 02:26.202 --> 02:28.258 through your sites , ensuring proper 02:28.258 --> 02:30.147 alignment and watch where the gun 02:30.147 --> 02:29.729 settles to ensure your next point of 02:29.738 --> 02:32.279 aim was correct if utilized properly . 02:32.289 --> 02:34.289 This can be an extremely beneficial 02:34.289 --> 02:36.289 tool to help you diagnose issues as 02:36.289 --> 02:38.400 well as calling your shots before you 02:38.400 --> 02:40.567 look at the monitor scope to see where 02:40.567 --> 02:42.733 they went . When I'm struggling . This 02:42.733 --> 02:42.539 is the fundamental that I typically 02:42.550 --> 02:44.717 fall back on to help myself figure out 02:44.717 --> 02:46.939 what is happening , poor fall through , 02:46.939 --> 02:48.994 typically leads to shots that aren't 02:48.994 --> 02:51.161 going where you expect them to be . So 02:51.161 --> 02:53.383 the last fundamental we have is natural 02:53.383 --> 02:55.559 point of aim or NP A . This is where 02:55.570 --> 02:57.681 the gun naturally wants to point when 02:57.681 --> 02:59.681 you have no muscle tension to check 02:59.681 --> 03:01.681 this , you want to start by closing 03:01.681 --> 03:05.110 your eyes , relax your muscles , so you 03:05.119 --> 03:07.970 have no muscle tension , then open your 03:07.979 --> 03:10.660 eyes to see where you're pointing from 03:10.669 --> 03:13.389 there . You will adjust your position 03:14.059 --> 03:16.170 to make sure that you are pointing on 03:16.170 --> 03:18.003 target . When you have no muscle 03:18.003 --> 03:21.539 tension , this is important because 03:21.550 --> 03:23.772 when you are using muscle tension , you 03:23.772 --> 03:26.550 will fatigue , possibly twitch and just 03:26.559 --> 03:28.503 have more overall movement in your 03:28.503 --> 03:30.910 holds . Now , we'll move to air . I 03:30.919 --> 03:33.220 full Familiarization being familiar 03:33.229 --> 03:35.285 with your sites and how they work is 03:35.285 --> 03:37.285 extremely important . First , we're 03:37.285 --> 03:39.340 gonna start off with your front site 03:39.340 --> 03:41.451 globe and the aperture inside of it . 03:41.451 --> 03:43.396 This aperture can be replaced with 03:43.396 --> 03:45.507 different sizes . This will determine 03:45.507 --> 03:45.460 how much white space you see 03:45.470 --> 03:47.637 surrounding your target as you look at 03:47.637 --> 03:49.748 at it through your sites in general , 03:49.748 --> 03:51.970 the more movement you have , the bigger 03:51.970 --> 03:53.970 you want your aperture size to be a 03:53.970 --> 03:56.026 great starting point is this chart , 03:56.050 --> 03:58.272 you will measure the distance from your 03:58.272 --> 04:00.439 eye to the front aperture and then use 04:00.439 --> 04:02.779 the corresponding size . Many new 04:02.789 --> 04:04.900 shooters use too small of an aperture 04:04.900 --> 04:06.956 size . The mistaken belief that they 04:06.956 --> 04:09.178 can aim more precisely at the middle of 04:09.178 --> 04:11.345 the target . Contrary to this belief , 04:11.345 --> 04:13.122 a tight aperture will cause the 04:13.122 --> 04:15.345 perception of increased hold movement , 04:15.345 --> 04:17.233 added eye strain and overall more 04:17.233 --> 04:19.233 difficulty in shooting . Next , you 04:19.233 --> 04:21.233 need to know how to properly adjust 04:21.233 --> 04:23.233 your sights as well as how much one 04:23.233 --> 04:26.950 click will move your impact . A 04:26.959 --> 04:28.959 neat little trick I like to use for 04:28.959 --> 04:31.070 remembering how to adjust your sights 04:31.070 --> 04:33.126 is the hand trick . Using your right 04:33.126 --> 04:35.348 hand , you will point your thumb in the 04:35.348 --> 04:37.515 direction you want your shot to go and 04:37.515 --> 04:39.681 then turn the corresponding sight knob 04:39.681 --> 04:39.399 in the direction your fingers would 04:39.410 --> 04:40.410 wrap around it . 04:55.760 --> 04:57.538 You should begin training these 04:57.538 --> 04:59.649 fundamentals and become familiar with 04:59.649 --> 05:01.871 the rifle . Overall , I would encourage 05:01.871 --> 05:03.816 that you spend time training these 05:03.816 --> 05:05.871 things off of a kneeling , roll on a 05:05.871 --> 05:05.850 bench or even on the ground . Take 05:05.859 --> 05:08.549 extra care to pay attention to applying 05:08.559 --> 05:10.670 all of these fundamentals to the best 05:10.670 --> 05:12.781 of your ability while you're training 05:12.781 --> 05:14.529 them lastly know the rules for 05:14.540 --> 05:16.373 whichever competition you may be 05:16.373 --> 05:18.484 competing in . Make sure you read the 05:18.484 --> 05:20.707 rule book just because you saw somebody 05:20.707 --> 05:22.596 do something once or were told by 05:22.596 --> 05:24.707 someone else . Doesn't mean that that 05:24.707 --> 05:26.540 rule hasn't changed . I hope you 05:26.540 --> 05:28.707 enjoyed the sport . One on one video . 05:28.707 --> 05:30.540 Stay tuned for our next video on 05:30.540 --> 05:30.510 finding your eye dominance . If you'd 05:30.519 --> 05:32.519 like any more information on the US 05:32.519 --> 05:34.741 army market unit or the US army , check 05:34.741 --> 05:35.390 out the information below .